Goddesses of Camp halfblood

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After presenting as a Goddess Persea was made to return to Olympis inorder plan the celebration...as well as deliver the creepy bastured she beat the ever loving shit out of earlier to Apollo to be healed

When she got to the throne room of Olympis she was bombarded with congratulations and praise from her fellow Gods

"Congratulations darling!" Said Amphitite cheered hugging her youngest child "We should start planning your congratulatory ball!"

"Oh honey we have to start planning your domain ball" Amphitite told her daughter excitedly hugging Persea

"Yeah about that..." Persea started started "I have an idea for that"

Meanwhile back on earth

The entire camp couldn't belive that the counselor so many grew to love was actually a Goddess or that Luke knew about it

So naturally he was bombarded with questions

"Why did Persea tell you of all people about her secret?" Grover asked

"I didn't I walk in on Persea and her Dad and he threatened to drown me in whale sperm if I spilled the secret!!!!" Luke answered making all the jerk back at his statement

"Whale sperm?" Charlie questioned with a disgusted look on his face

"Gross...but I have to admit that's a new one" Selina muttered to herself

"So how long have the other Gods been keeping her a secret?" Asked Annabeth genuinely curious "2-3000 years?"

"18" Luke answered bluntly

"18 what 1800 180?" Athena's most favored child asked

"Just 18" The son of Hermes informed to his friends

"Lucas is telling the truth" Said Dionysus who was holding up several crates of strawberries and grapes "Little Persea just turned 18 this year"

All the campers is the hall couldn't belive that the theirs was actually a Goddess that was that was chronologically around their age

The silence was broken only by Luke who is pretty much over everything "Hey Lord D whats with the grapes and berries"

"Oh I'm just making wine for Persea's congratulations party since she's found all her domains." Dionysus explained then sees the concerned looks for Persea and the God of Wine gives them a smile "Why the long faces you kids literally have a whole Goddess looking after you and let me tell ya their are gonna be some changes around here!" He says before walking off

"What does he mean by that?" Asked Travis

"What are you an idoit?" Luke sneered "You heard what the fates said Persea is the protector of Demigods and from what we just saw he can handle Zeus not only that but from day one she haden't hid her disgust from how the Gods treat us so it's safe to say that there will be changes!"

Everyone even Annabeth Thalia and Ethan were shocked at Luke's statement

Suddenly a bright light shown in the middle of Camp revealing the messager God Hermes

Luke couldn't help but wonder what his father was doing here

"Attention Demigods of camp halfblood!" Hermes started with his serious face and voice "Persea The defender of Merfolk and Demigods has graciously invited you all to her congratulatory Ball two weeks from today!"

Then all the campers and counselors were put in excited frenzy

Some talking about what a great Goddess Persea will be to them and singing her praises

Others gushing about what they should wear for the party

But all Luke could think about was what could Persea have up her sleeve now and whatever it was he could hardly wait

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