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ʟᴇᴀʜ ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ stepped into the Great Hall, her eyes  twinkling as they took in the sparkling candles floating above the heads of the students. There was a cozy and friendly atmosphere, as the students gathered themselves for another year at the prestigious school of Hogwarts. A chatter was running through the students, as they talked amongst themselves about what they had done during the summer break, and the achievements they had completed. 


ꜱɪʀɪᴜꜱ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ eagerly greeted his resident group of friends, as they recounted the adventures they had gone on during they're departed time. Each friend gave him a high five, and the head of the group, a raven haired, bespectacled boy told the group about the dangerous stunts he had done, and the new ways to impress a certain girl he had come up with. Next, a tall boy with messy brown hair and scars littering his face talked about his quiet summer at home and the seventy-two books he had finished reading. The group groaned at this. Finally, a mousy, thin boy  with watery eyes that darted from the raven haired boy to Sirius himself, told his friends about the lame summer he had. 

It was now Sirius's turn, as he told them about an abusive summer and his longings to return to them. 


"ALICE!" Leah called out excitedly, as she reached the far end of the Gryffindor table closest to the Head Table. Leah sat down as her best friend Alice Fortescue turned around and saw Leah heading towards her. "LEAH!" Alice exclaimed, and they hugged. Though he had only been two months since they had last seen in each other in person, it had felt like eternity. 

"How was your summer?" Alice asked, knowing that Leah's family was in danger from some mysterious people because her mother was an exceptionally skilled Auror. 

Leah shrugged. "Not great. Not bad. Somewhere in between. The most interesting thing we did was take a trip to Norway to get away from this one Death Eater who had been following us." 

Leah, her four sisters and her parents had gotten very used to traveling around and the fact that there were dangerous people tracking them constantly. 

"Norway?!" Alice exclaimed. "You're so lucky!" 

Leah snorted. "Yeah, maybe. But we had to stay in the cheapest motel ever, the service was terrible and we didn't get to see any of the sights." 

"Did you get to go skiing?" Alice asked. Leah smiled. Alice was obsessed with skis, the muggle sport. Alice found it amusing how muggles could go top speed down mountains on two pieces of slim wood. 

"No, though Christina did want to go skiing so badly, she tried to sneak away at night," Leah said, referencing her eldest sister Christina, who was nineteen and loved sports. 

Alice burst out laughing. "Did she make it?" 

Leah shook her head. "Unfortunately, Francesca woke up to go to the bathroom and saw her leaving." 

Alice bit her bottom lip to stop herself laughing.

Suddenly, a shout rang out in the hall. 


Alice and Leah turned around and squinted to see down the table. Their poor friend and dorm mate, Lily Evans, was trying to pull her arm away from James Potter's grip. 

James was part of the Marauders, the practical kings of the school. The other members consisted of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Leah had nothing against the Marauders, but Lily hated them, and Alice was Lily's friend, so Alice also despised them. Leah was also Lily's friend, but Leah was shy, quiet and unnoticeable, and she liked it like that. She didn't want any rivalries between her and the Marauders. 

Alice stood up, and furrowed her eyebrows. Her hate for the Marauders was etched on to her face. "I'm going to kill them." She said angrily, and made a move towards them, but Leah held her back. 

"Ali, don't do it, you'll only land yourself in trouble!" Leah said desperately. Alice seemed to realize that Lily had loosened herself from James grip, and that Professor Minerva McGonagall was walking across the Great Hall to shout at James Potter, so she sat down.

"I hope she puts him in detention for assault." Alice muttered. Leah looked at her friend curiously. "Assault? I think of it as harassment." Leah commented. "He's been harassing poor Lily since second year." 

"Yeah, harassment, that's what it is." Alice said, glaring at the Marauders from a distance. 

Just after this remark, Professor McGonagall was heard yelling at James. 


The boy turned around and said, "Two weeks? That's a bit harsh for something so little. Alice glared and snapped at them, "That's what he deserves! He's been doing that to Lily for years!" 

The boy recoiled away and started whispering to his friend.

Alice rolled her eyes and said, "When are they going to get on with the sorting? Isn't your sister Reagan being sorted?" 

"Yes!" Leah said excitedly. Reagan White, Leah's second youngest sister, was being sorted today. Reagan had been excited all year. 

Right when Leah said this, the Great Hall doors burst open and the first years came in, Reagan up in front. She waved at Leah, and then she waved at the Ravenclaw table to where Leah's second eldest sister Elaine was sitting. 

Leah was about to wave back when she felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Alice's confused expression. Leah turned around and saw Professor McGonagall behind her, a worried look on her face. 

"White, you have to go home. Now." 

Leah's eyes widened as she saw Professor Flitwick of Ravenclaw ushering Elaine out of her seat, and Hagrid, the gamekeeper, was pulling Reagan out of the crowd of first years. Now everyone in the Great Hall was surprised by the removal of the Whites. 

"Why?" Leah asked Professor McGonagall. 

"Your mother's request." Professor McGonagall showed Leah a letter that made Leah hop out of her chair, wave a quick goodbye to Alice and then she followed Professor McGonagall out of the Great Hall and into a side room, where she found her two sisters waiting. 

Something very wrong had happened. 

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