You Get Stung by a Griver

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Thomas Imagine:
Warning: Blood
Word Count: 848 words
Quick A/N: Currently redoing all previous imagines.

She couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. All of it seemed to be her fault. Since she arrived at the Glade, the first and last girl to ever arrive, she received terrible looks and somehow made almost everyone dislike her. It drove her mad sometimes. After all, she never did anything to them so why the hell would they be so cruel to her?

She couldn't understand it, but thankfully she had a few friends. Thomas was the first boy she properly met. Gally was the first teenager she spoke to, but that was simply to ask where she was. He shot insult after insult to her, exclaiming that "doom would soon fall" because of her arrival. He seemed to throw her at Thomas, the boy that had arrived in the Glade barely a week earlier. The two connected rather quickly.

She met Newt when Thomas was showing her around the Glade. They had accidentally run into him as he wandered throughout the clearing trying to figure out what to do with his time. She became close with him then as well. Minho and Chuck she met the second day she had been there: meeting Minho because she almost left the Walls out of curiosity, and meeting Chuck when she was left alone for breakfast. However, she lost nearly everything the night the Walls never closed.

It was dusk. She stood among the other boys, in between Thomas and Newt as they were able to look over the other's heads and stare into the cold and dreary stone Maze.

"The Doors," She had gulped, turning to look at Newt who continued looking into the darkness. "They should be..."

He nodded, biting his lip. "Closed. Yeah."

Loud clanging noises were heard one after the other from opposite sides of the Walls. The girl began to tremble as the dark night grew near. Chills ran up and down her body, which caught Thomas' attention. He had grown fond of the Greenie and cared for her very much so, perhaps slightly more than just a friend. He looked at her, giving her a slight smile in reassurance that everything would be ok. She nodded but froze as her eyes grew wide. Before them in the Maze stood a mangy metal Griever. They watched the half-animal, half-machine tilt it's head in interest, before darting through the open Doors.

The Gladers fled, except for [Y/N] who stood stuck with fear. If it wasn't for Thomas to run to her and pull her out of her trance, she would've been dead. The two ran to the growing cornfield and squatted down in the dirt. Shrieks from the other boys surrounded them as the Grievers entered the Glade. Thomas kept a hand around the girl's waist and one over her mouth. Her breathing was ragged beneath his hand and with every shout from the Gladers, she flinched. He wished he could reassure the poor girl that everything would be ok, but he feared any noise would alert the monsters where they were.

Behind them crawled a Griever, but it couldn't tell where the two were there. The girl squeezed her eyes shut, cowering into Thomas's shoulder. He only spoke after the Grievers ran off.

"We need to make it to the others," He whispered. "They have the weapons." The girl nodded.

The two shakily stood up and ran for the Homestead to get Alby. Grievers were everywhere and the two caught their attention. They charged for the girl since she was slower than Thomas. Thankfully some of the other boys tried to help stop the monsters from attacking [Y/N] by throwing spears. Thomas had tossed one to the girl who fought off the Griever as best as she could.

It had grabbed her legs, bringing her closer to the creature, but she had beaten them away from her body. She heard the boys shouting behind her, their spears being thrown into the Griever she fought until it fell down dead. Her vision started to go, and she stumbled back.

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