I can't lose her (request)

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TW amtepted suicide and Depression

request ~ Potterhead479

Reader ~ she/her 16

Set during 2021

Reader has been apart of the marvel family since 2009 she joined when she was 4, Covid hits reader really hard mentally and she gets diagnosed with depression, Scarlett finds her and talks about it


*Scarletts pov*

It's now been a little over a year since Covid hit and it's sucked, everything is closed and shut down but the good news is I get to stay home more with Rose and Colin

I've been keeping contact with a lot of cast members asking them how they are and what not thankfully so far only one of us has had covid during the past year

Y/n got it at the very beginning it was pretty bad but then it got better and she's doing great, she was actually supposed to come visit but because of covid she canceled which I understand

She's been different lately more distant and closed off and everytime we call you can hear how exhausted she is poor girl is only 16 and is still in high school and during a pandemic while having to deal with projects being put on pause

That's one of the reasons she was going to come visit, she's in New York and kinda got stuck here because of the lockdowns and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get her to stay with us. She said she didn't want a chance of us getting sick

That was a couple months ago, and the last time we called was about a month ago, she only texts now which is pretty worring

So I've decided to go to her hotel I may or may not have looked at her location but that's besides the point no one other then me has been able to talk to her so it's the only way to check on her

*Time skip*

I quickly walked into the hotel lobby and walked over to the lady behind the desk

"Hello how may I hel-" she eyes went wide as she looked up and saw me

"Your- I- I'm sorry how may I help you" she stutters

I give her a kind smile

"I actually came to visit someone and was wondering if you were able to give me their room number" I smile

"What's their name?"

"Y/n l/n" I say rocking back and forth as she types away on her computer

"I'm not supposed to do this but i know you know Ms.l/n so I'll give you her room number as long as you don't tell my boss" she pleads

"Of course"

"Room 578 floor 8" she states with a smile

"Thank you so so much" I smile quickly walking to the elevator

I stopped for a second before running over to the desk

"Hey...um could you give me a key card to get into her room? Please" I say with a desperate look

"Sure but remember no telling anyone" she smiles

"I won't thanks a million times over" I say grabbing the key card from her and making my way back to the elevator

Stepping out of the elevator I was quick to walk down the hall looking for her room

Once I found it I knocked waiting to see if she'd answer the door

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