chapter 119

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"Ryujin! We want burgers!" All the cousins are shouting. Everyone is drunk at this point, including myself. It's been so long since I've let loose like this. My body is probably gonna be sore tomorrow from all the jumping and dancing that I did. 

I'm sitting on the couch while drinking water. Ryujin is being attacked by everyone because she's the only sober one to drive and everyone is craving burgers.

"Yeji" Hazel is looking around to make sure no one is watching us, "If you say you want a burger then I'm sure Ryujin would go in a heartbeat."

"Does everyone want a burger that much?" I chuckle.

"Burgers are best when you're drunk?" She says in a questioning way like I'm crazy for not knowing this fact.

"Is everyone always like this when you get together?" I ask. I know she's drunk but she's still able to make conversations.

She aggressively nods her head and you can clearly tell she's drunk by looking at her eyes, "Our family is really closed. The thing is our parents and Ryujin's mom's family are already closed before we were even born. So Ryujin is pretty much our actual cousin too. She was such a shy person when we first met that we literally thought she didn't like us but that misunderstanding was easily solved."

She pauses because she starts hiccuping, "We're happy to have you be part of our gang now too. We were afraid that you're not gonna like us because we can be crazy like this" she laughs while closing her eyes, "But you're actually really cool and you can take your alcohol really well."

"So please, ask Ryujin to get us burgers" she leans her head on my shoulders.

"Ryujin! I want a burger" I shout, giving in to Hazel's request.

Ryujin looks at me and I give her my cute eyes so she can't resist my request.

"Okay, I'll go get burgers. All of you are lucky that my wife wants it too" she points at everyone like she's nagging them.

She approaches me then leans forward and down since I'm sitting, "I'll be right back. Are you gonna be okay?"

I nod my head while smiling, "Hurry, before everyone gets impatient."

"Okay, call me if you need anything else" she quickly kisses me on the lips before running off.

"Yeji is the hero!" Everyone cheers the moment Ryujin closes the front door.

"Yeji! Were so glad that you married Ryujin because now we can get burgers!" Mikayla drunkenly say.

I laugh while watching everyone act silly. The aunts and uncles are outside now in the backyard doing their own thing. Some are also in the garage playing card games.

It took about 45 minutes for Ryujin to get burgers. Once she arrived, everyone ambushed her at the door.

"Calm down, you animals! You gotta save some for Yeji!" She starts pushing everyone away and sometimes kick them away.

"I'm okay, they can have it" I smile at Ryujin.

She sighs and let go of the bag full of burgers. She sits on the other side of me since Hazel is resting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about this. I thought they wouldn't get drunk when you're here" Ryujin says to me.

"It's okay. It's been fun. I can see how close you all are. Thank you for bringing me here and introducing me to them" I take her hand.

She then brings my hand to her lips so she can kiss it, "Are you okay? Do you need more water or any food?"

"I'm really good. How about you? Are you okay? Did you have fun? I know you like to take care of me when there's gatherings like this but I want you to enjoy yourself too" I say.

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