Chapter 57

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Time flew by as they read childrens books and chatted with each other while drinking milk tea and Sachertorte made by the chef.

As darkness fell through the window, Leon's words, who had been chirping around Graces side, slowed down to sleep little by little. Grace asked, smiling softly at Leon, whose head fell and rose from time to time.

"Shall we go to bed now, Leon?"

"Yes, but..."

"Don't you want to sleep?"

Leon seemed to ponder for a moment with a sleepy face, then hesitantly said.

"Can't you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

After that, she nodded at the sight of Leon who reached out and grabbed Graces hand with his small hands.

"Yes, I will."

In response, Leon quickly climbed onto the bed and closed his eyes tightly on Graces bed, as if he had been enduring sleepiness.

In the meantime, Leon fumbled through the bed with his small hands while looking for Graces hand, and Grace gladly reached out her hand to the child. Then Leon, who held the hand tightly with both hands, soon fell into a deep sleep with a cute breath.

Grace affectionately patted the child's body until Leon, who was sleeping soundly, naturally let go of her hand.

Soon after Leon let go of her hand, tossing and turning his body, Grace ruffled the sleeping Leon's hair and kissed the exposed forehead briefly.

"Have a good dream, Leon. I'll be right back."

Grace got out of bed, walked to the closet, took out a thick coat hanging inside, put it on, and came out of the door.

Then Sally, who was standing in the hallway, caught her eyes. Sally was surprised to see Grace coming out in her coat and said to her.

"Are you going out at this hour?"

"Yes, wait. I'll go and see Arthur, no, the Duke."

"..Ah. If tha6ts the case. Shall I follow you?"

"No, it's fine. I want to be alone with him today."

"Yes, I understand."

"Please look after Leon until I get back. If he wakes up and finds me, then come and call me."

"Yes. Don't worry."

When Grace explained the situation, Sally smiled softly and gladly saw her off.

After entrusting Sally with Leon, Grace went down the stairs past the hallway where the candles were lit. The hallway on the first floor of the annex was as quiet as the day when she took her first-night walk with Arthur. Grace slowly pushed the closed door.

"You're here, madam. Ive been waiting for you."

Arthur then, leaning against the pillar next to the door, found Grace who opened the door and greeted with a friendly smile.

Grace smiled shyly and looked at Arthur slowly approaching her and said.

"Have you been waiting long?"

"No, I just came out."

"Youre lying, right? Your hands are cold."

[T/N: Yes, its a lie that every gentleman says after waiting for his lady.
(・ω・ ) Why don't I have such one? ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ]

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