Chapter 33: "You've made her life miserable."

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I stepped inside the house, and it was already crowded. Everyone was wearing the same white outfit according to the dress code for the party while holding a champagne glass and gifts. Everybody smelled rich. Their perfume must have cost over a thousand.

"You came!" I heard a familiar sound from afar as I saw Dion walking toward me, "and you bring a gift. Is that for me?"

"You wish," I said and gave him a fake smile, "Where's Emilia?"

"She's with her colleagues," he said. He called one of the butlers and demanded to take my coat.

"Don't you supposed to be with your colleagues too?" I asked as I lent the butler my coat.

"Yeah, but my father told me to find you," he said as he took a glass of champagne from the waitress.

"What?" I was taken back. Why does his dad want to find me?

"Yeah, remember what he said about getting to know more acquaintances?" He paused but I had no idea what he was talking about, "well, my father wants you to meet some of his clients," he shrugged at me and also didn't know why his father would do something like this for me.

"By the way, where's your sister?" I asked as he led me towards the crowds.

"She's with Martin and his family. You don't want to come across them since you have something with her," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I won't be meeting her, I guess.

Finally, when Wayne was in sight. I felt goosebumps all over my skin.

Alright, Claude. Relax, try not to think about his face getting beaten up by his dad.

When he noticed my appearance, I was greeted with warmth, which is weird because I always feel intimidated by him, "Good riddance. You finally came just in time before my speech," he noticed a gift on my hand, "you brought a gift. Who will you give?"

"Uh-" I started to stutter because I couldn't tell him that I would give this to Joy. I'm worried if he wanted to know what's the gift and, he would be mad at Joy for having this gift.

"It's for me, we were thinking of exchanging gifts," Dion made up an excuse, and I saw the look in his dad's eyes that he was not buying it but didn't ask more question.

"Alright. I need to do a speech first. Then I will introduce you to some of my clients," he said as he took a microphone and tapped it three times to gain the guest's attention. I took my time to text Joy about her whereabouts, but she didn't text me back. I had no choice but to wait until this party finished.

After a short speech about thanking the guest for coming, we continued with our first task of meeting his clients. He took me along with Dion everywhere around the house, and I was impressed by his stamina because this house is enormous.

His client was... Unique. There's the big, bald one, a living MILF, and this one looks like Martin but better. If I were straight, I would be drolling at that guy.

"It was nice to meet you, sir," I said, and he excused himself. I checked my watch, and I didn't know it was already two and a half hours. It took that long to meet some people.

"Oh, Dion. Does that girl still your sponsor?" Wayne asks his son.

"I'm sorry, who?" Dion asks.

"I think she was named from a flower," he said, rubbing his chin.

"Oh? Do you mean Rose? Yes, she is. Do you want to meet her?"

"Of course. Maybe Claude would be fond of her," his dad said, and Dion understood his assignment.

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