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THE FOLLOWING DAY, the candidates were on a run with their dogs. Everybody was grouped together at the front, apart from Eggsy who was struggling to get 'J.b' (his dog) to move.

Jennifer looked behind her to see him trying to scare the dog into running by pointing his gun at him.

"That won't work" Jen calls out as she walks back to them. Eggsy looks to her and sighs, lowering his gun.

"Don't stay behind cause of me. I don't want you coming last" he says. She chuckles and shakes her head.

"My dads in hospital. They'll take it easy on me" she lies. They wouldn't care where she came because she was already a kingsman.

"How do I get this fucking dog to move!?" Eggsy asks, pointing at the puppy. Jennifer bites on her bottom lip to hide her amusement.

"I can't help you. Sorry, Eggsy" she answers. He sighs and picks up the dog. "I'm not coming last because of you" he says to the dog, like it'll understand him.

He picks him up and puts him in his vest. Jennifer smiles as the pups head bounces as Eggsy walks. "Come on, I'll race you" Jennifer offers.

He smirks and pulls her forward by her vest. "One kiss? Then we go?" He asks. She gives in and kisses him gently, trying not to squash J.b between them.

Eggsy suddenly runs off. "Cheat!" She yells, only to get a laugh in response. Jennifer runs after him, with her dog, Milo.

She catches up to him and pushes past him, immediately over taking them all. If she was one thing, it was fast.

JENNIFER LAID ASLEEP the same night, curled up against, Milo. She was suddenly woke up to Charlie laughing and the sound of water splashing.

She quickly turned on her light to see Eggsy drenched in water and Charlie holding a bucket. "Water!" He yells loudly.

Eggsy stands up and goes to punch Charlie but Jennifer stand between them and hold Eggsy back.

"Eggsy stop! You'll get thrown out!" Jennifer tries to reason with him.

"I don't give a fuck if I get kicked out" Eggsy yells over Jen to Charlie.

"Go on then, you pleb" Charlie laughs. Jennifer rolls her eyes and let's go of Eggsy.

"Charlie, fuck off!" She yells. He bends down to her height and smirks "what was that, princess?"

Eggsy goes to run at him but Jennifer pushes him backwards. Charlie laughs with his two twat of friends as they walk away.

"That's right! Walk away, dickhead!" He yells. Jennifer sighs and passes Eggsy, J.b.

She begins to change the sheets with a spare set from under the bed. "You don't have to do that" Eggsy protests.

"Since when did you become the gentleman?" She asks with a smug smile.

He scoffs and holds a hand to his heart. "I've always been a gentleman, darling" he smirks. She rolls her eyes and throws the wet blankets across the room to Charlie.

"A gentleman doesn't blatantly ogle a girls breasts" she amusedly smiles whilst saying in a posh accent.

"When 'ave I ever done that?" He asks. She just laughs and shakes her head, climbing back into bed.

Eggsy crawls back under the covers and turns on his side to look at Jen, who does the same. "Give me your hand" Eggsy instructs.

"Why?" She asks.

"Just do to, Jen" he orders. She makes a worried face but holds out her hand anyway.

He holds it in his own and applies pressure to a certain area with his thumb. "You feel tired?" He asks.

She nods with a confused yet surprised face. "How'd you learn that?" She asks. He intertwines his fingers with hers and continues to look into her eyes.

"My mum used to do it all the time when she would argue with Dean... she didn't want me listening" Eggsy sighs.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Eggsy" Jennifer whispers. He nods, thankful he had the opportunity to leave that life and be with someone like Jen.

He smiles as her eyes flutter shut and she falls asleep. In a minute his eyes were also closed and he was snoring softly. Their hands entwined as they slept side by side.

THE FOLLOWING morning Harry Hart had woken up to see his daughter smiling down at him.

He weakly smiled as he looked at her joyous expression. "You're awake" she happily whispers, not wanting to give him a headache.

"I'm awake, sweetheart" he confirms. "How's the training going?" He asks.

"It's going well.. Eggsy's still here" she smiles at the thought of the boy. Harry raises an eyebrow but chooses to leave it.

"I'll go fetch, Merlin" she says, rushing off to get the man.

EGGSY AND J.P WALKED into the hospitalised room Harry had been staying in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Harry rhetorically asks.

"Only when I'm casing a place I'm gonna rob" Eggsy jokes. "Merlin said you wanted to see me?"

"Congratulations on making it to the final six candidates" they look to a screen with all the remaining candidates.

Eggsy smiles when he sees Jennifer's photo. How could she look so hot in just a head shot?

"And that is what I wanted to talk about.." Harry smiles. Eggsy's eyes widen slightly as he turns back to the man. "Uh.. what?" He asks.

"Jennifer" Harry plainly states.

"What about, Jen?" Eggsy asks as J.P's tail wags.

"You and my daughter seem rather fond of each other, Eggsy. I need to know you aren't ruining your chances of becoming a kingsman for this relationship?" He asks.

"Uh.. there's no relationship" Eggsy explains. "And we have an agreement. If I get distracted, we stop whatever's going on between us"

Harry nods slowly, he didn't like the thought of his daughter with anyone.. but Eggsy was what he would call 'a fine, young gentleman'.

Someone knocks on the door, to which Harry calls out a 'come in'. He points to the door with a pointed look.

"That's how it's done"

𝖮𝖷𝖥𝖮𝖱𝖣𝖲 𝖭𝖮𝖳 𝖡𝖱𝖮𝖦𝖴𝖤𝖲 [𝖤.𝖴]Where stories live. Discover now