Chapter 12

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I do not own any of the characters in this story except for the plot and the character Dean.


No one's P.O.V.
"Oh my god candace!" Coltrane said as he saw her on the ground with her eyes closed and an empty bottle next her. "Oh fuck" he said as he grabbed her body and wrapped his arms around her and began pushing his hands against her stomach.

"Como on candace throw it up" after the fifth time of him doing this she threw up all over the floor. He bagan tapping her back as she continued throwing up after a few minutes she stopped. "Candace are you okay he asked but her eyes started rolling to the back of her head.

"No no no no stay with me come on" he said as he sat down on her bed while holding her in his arms and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" "Uh my friend overdosed on pills" he said in a shaky voice and then candace began having foam come out of her mouth and began shaking in his arms. "Okay the paramedics are on their way"

"Okay thanks" he said hanging up and then he realized she is having a seizure. Just then Jeremy came running into her room but stopped dead dead on his tracks when he noticed an empty bottle of pills on the ground a computer on the ground as well as throw up and candace who was in Coltranes arms.

"What the fuck happened?" He said panicked "I don't know I saw her leaving the school crying so I followed her but when I found her she had overdosed. "What's wrong with her?" He asked "she's fucking dying Jeremy she's having a seizure and her eyes are rolling to the back of her head.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck" he said putting his hands to his head "did you call the 911? "Yes they should be here any minute now." "Do you know what might have caused her to do this? I mean besides everything else that's happened" Jeremy was trying to calm his breathing down as he watching her he felt like absolute shit.

"Yeah some dick at school showed her the sex tape I think that might be why. Coltrane began shaking his head at him "fuck Jeremy this is all your fucking fault all because you agreed to that stupid bet." "It wasn't a fucking bet to me I actually love her."

Coltrane scoffed "bullshit Jeremy if you did you wouldn't of fucking recorded her having sex with you or send it around for everyone to see... you know what just leave you've done enough damage to her." "What! No I'm not leaving."

"Jeremy just leave! I'm trying to fucking save her life! Look at her! Because of everything that's happened to her it made her want to take her own life away and she might've just succeeded." Jeremy was about to respond when the paramedics came in and put on the stretcher.

"One of the paramedics began giving candace a naloxone shot to get her out of her high of the drugs but soon realized it wasn't working on her. "We gotta rush her to the hospital immediately it's already to far in her system" the paramedic said. As they rushed her downstairs and loaded her on the vehicle.

"Whoa only one of you can come with us" "I'll go" Jeremy and Coltrane said at the same time. "Okay who found her first?" "Me" Coltrane said. "Okay come on you can follow us if you'd like if you have a car and closed the ambulance car and they sped off.

Meanwhile Jeremy got in his car and drove as fast he could without getting arrested and the whole time he was screaming and crying he was never going to forgive himself if she didn't make it out of this he would hate himself for the rest of his life.

Meanwhile Coltrane sent Stacy a text letting her know what happened and what hospital they were headed to and of course Stacy texted back that she was going to murder him he knew she wasn't going to but as they arrived to the hospital they rushed her into the emergency room immediately while Coltrane and Jeremy waited outside in the waiting room and 10 minutes later Stacy walked in sobbing and began walking towards Jeremy.

"You! You did this to her!" She said about to literally attack him but Coltrane wrapped her and held her back as she continued screaming at Jeremy. "Your an asshole! Are you happy look what you made her do" she said while trying to escape from Coltrane.

"Stacy calm down please" Coltrane said "calm down my best friend might be dead because of him." A few minutes later the rest of her family walked in and Jeremy walked out knowing they would probably yell at him to but Coltrane followed him.

"Hey don't you try anything like this either your still my best friend and I care about you" Coltrane said "I know" Jeremy said sitting on a bench outside covering his face while sobbing. Coltrane sighed sitting next to him.

He didn't say anything else instead he padded his back as a way of showing him support and after an hour they heard Stacy calling for Coltrane and they both walked back inside and walked to where the doctor was going to speak.

"Is everyone here now?" He asked "yes" everyone said. The doctor took a deep breath and crossed his arms. "Okay I'm really sorry but we did everything we could....

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh another cliffhanger! I know you guys are going to be mad but I had to This was another sad emotional chapter What did you guys think about this chapter? What do you think happened to candace? What do you think will happen next chapter? Let me know and as always I appreciate votes and comments.

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