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Remus was trying to catch up to Rose before her temper got the better of her but the red-headed Gryffindor was fast. Thorns was making a reappearance and there was nothing Lupin could do to stop it.

Rose may have seemed like a saint to many. The nice sister of prefect and head girl Lily Evans and raising her orphaned son like her own. But everyone from her school years knew she had just as much of a temper as James or Sirius did in Quidditch. She'd almost had her captain status revoked when she became too angry to calm down after a game.

Lupin didn't think Rose had ever moved so fast. She wasn't even running but he had to jog to make any attempt to catch up.

She wasn't thinking about him. She was only thinking about Alice and Frank and Neville. How could Snape be so cruel? He was a death eater at one point. He had to have known what happened to them. And yet, he didn't care.

It only solidified the fact Snape hadn't changed. Alice and Frank had been Rose's friends, they were there for her at a time no one else was. And this was how he treated their boy?

Even besides that, he was continually making comments about Lupin. In school, he'd been convinced Remus was a werewolf and after being proved right, he was insufferable. He wanted to expose Lupin as some form of revenge.

The door to the staff room flew open with a bang. All of the teachers gathered inside perked up with a start and shot their heads toward the loud sound.

They were met with a fiery, seething redhead as she marched inside and made straight for the potions professor. Snape was mixing a cup of tea when she came for him.

There wasn't violence. Well, not much violence.

Rose only grabbed the side of his robes and pushed him backward, forcing him to face her. He was startled for a moment but regained his cool, cruel composure in an instant.

"How dare you."

He was confused at this very simple statement and the obvious anger Rose was harbouring. He'd done a lot of things. And there was a little fear in him that Rose had figured out he was the one who told Voldemort about the prophecy. But he played it off.

"This little display is quite unprofessional, Miss. Evans—"

"Unprofessional? Do you want to know what's unprofessional? Bullying children!" Rose yelled. She didn't care what the other teachers thought of her, what trouble she would get into. Snape wasn't going to get away with his power trip.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Now, if you'd stop embarrassing yourself, we can get on with our school day," Severus said in his usual tone, speaking slowly. His statement only ignited further fire in Rose.

"Embarrassing myself?! You are unbelievable. Honestly!" She yelled, her green eyes slits as she glared at him. "Neville Longbottom. His parents were tortured into insanity. Do you want to know what his Boggart was? Because it wasn't Bellatrix Lestrange."

Snape opened his mouth, he hoped another teacher would come stop Rose, that she would realize she was making a fool of herself. This wasn't like her.

"His Boggart was you. Neville's greatest fear is his potions professor. You are a grown adult and instead of acting like it, you use your power to bully those you deem unworthy. You're sickening," Rose argued, revealing the truth behind Neville's greatest fear.

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