Three way conflict of interest: part 2

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3rd Persona POV.:

In the middle of the street, Kiryu stood in front of a still emotionally recovering woman who he made cry.

Behind him were his hurt teammates, and in front were Orochimaru and Kabuto. In the alleyway behind Jiraiya and Shizune, the two Akatsuki members, Itachi and his shark-like partner, Kisame.

Orochimaru: Ah, Jiraiya and Tsunade. How have you been? As you can see, I could really use a hand or two...

Orochimaru: Mind healing me Tsunade? Like old times. I'll even make it worth you're wild.

Shizune: You leave master Tsunade alone!


Itachi: Dragon Jinchuriki. Come with us or else.

Jiraiya: You aren't taking him anywhere.

Kisame: Eh? Stay out of our way geezer or there will be trouble.

Jiraiya: Geezer? Hah! Fool, I am the great toad-


Everyone turns to Kiryu.

Kiryu: Now one at a time. What do you all want? I'm getting confused.

Kiryu: Snake man. Random man.

Kabuto: It's Kabuto.

Kiryu: How was I supposed to know that?

Sakura: We met him.

Kiryu: We did?

Sakura: The writing part of the chunin exams.

Kiryu: Ah, right...

Kiryu: Okay. What do you two want?

Orochimaru: For her to heal my hands. And Majima. You too if possible.

Kisame: He's coming with us.

Orochimaru: If he so happens to end up in my hands...

Kiryu: Hmm. Okay, I think I got it.

Grabbing his jacket, Kiryu in a single pull goes topless, revealing his Dragon tattoo.

Kiryu: So you can heal, eh?



He throws Tsunade at Majima and Sakura.

Kiryu: Heal them, I'll hold the line.

Kiryu:(turns to enemies) Now take a step if you wish to die!

(Opening theme)

A fight broke out.

Jiraiya took the two Akatsuki members. Shizune went after Orochimaru who was stuck dodging in their condition, leaving Kabuto to get Tsunade and Majima.

Which meant Kabuto was Kiryu's first opponent.

(Battle theme)

Kabuto: Let's make this quick.

Kiryu:(cracks knuckles)

Kabuto threw a quick kick toward Kiryu who leaned back dodging the strike only to have to deal with another.

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