[ 2 ] I Hope Somebody Fucks Up The Fireworks

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And so, five hours later, you were boarding the royal coronation ship to traverse the river through Soleanna City. You were first aboard, reaching your armored hand out to help the princess onto the deck.

As she took your hand you smiled through your honor guard helmet at her, bowing to her presence. You were both dressed accordingly, the princess in her father's dress gift that you bestowed. Then it was you in your (a/c) regal armor, polished to perfection for this day. All dirt was scrubbed and any scratches were patched.

The plan was for you to receive your new royal (w/c) from Anthony, and then be knighted with it by the princess. She then would be crowned as Queen right after. Both of you were still just 17. 

"Are you ready, Princess Elise?" You took a step to get to your stand on your podium, but Elise refused to let go of your hand. She was smiling, and you knew she was ready for this. "Elise?-"

The girl took a deep breath and knelt down to your height as you stood on the deck of the ship. You tilted your head to show your friend that you were listening, and she softly began to speak, "It's a lot to take in, now that the moment is here."

You laughed to yourself to Elise's surprise, "I understand. Ruling a kingdom will be a lot of work, but if we're sticking by each other's side we'll be fine. Nothing to worry about right?"

The princess smiled again and nodded, "Right. Then, let's go." Elise stood back up and let go of your hand, allowing you to go to your post at the front of the ship. Crossing your arms, you got ready for the short trip down the city river to the Eternal Flame.

The curtains of the dock drew back, and the ship began to move with a subtle jerk. You turned your head up to check on Elise, who looked out at the glowing city with excitement. Lights and lanterns softly glew along the shore, waving in a simple breeze as you began to pass by.

Glad that she was feeling better, you continued to look forwards onto the journey ahead...


Your eyes widened as you heard someone yell more strings of words in spanish, but the source of the voice was nowhere to be seen. Not on the shore, not on the dock. It was difficult to catch, but something shone out of the corner of your (e/c) eyes. A ring that reflected the light onto someone's hand. Narrowing your eyes you approached the light colored intruder.

"Hey, no civilian's allowed onboard..." You looked over the edge at the individual attempting to board the ship, someone you didn't recognize as a council member, staff, or assistant.. But... he held a large case... "Anthony?-"

"Was' goin on papi~?" The pristine white cat wiggles his eyebrows, sarcastically giving you bedroom eyes as you pulled him up. Anthony wore surprisingly nice dress shoes and a decorated pea coat with rose golden buttons. His messy hair was clean and slicked back for this special occasion, and it continued to shock you.

 His messy hair was clean and slicked back for this special occasion, and it continued to shock you

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