Chapter 32 (Battle against White Whale)

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Wilhelm: Now, we need figure out how to get on the whale to harm him.

Subaru looked at wrath and then he looked at the whale who was struggling to move towards them.

Subaru: Wrath? This is cool and all but how will we get on it? And how are we gonna take him down?

Wrath: ...

Wrath looked down. He slammed his foot on the ground and created spear out from stone which hopped from it. Wrath catched it, hardened it, leaned back, aimed at the whale and shouted before shooting the spear.

Julius: Spear? I don't think that it will-


Wrath threw the spear towards whale which pierced whale's body instantly. The small spear went through whales body so fast that from distance it would look like a lightning in perfect line form that touched the sky for 1 millisecond.  Julius got shocked and speechless for a second because of the speed but then he said.

Julius: the shot was impressive but one small spear can't kill the whale, wrath.

Wrath glanced at him and replied.

Wrath: What... You want me to rip off the part of reality that spear touches, permanently? Do you know what will happen if you touch that ripped off part of reality?

Julius: rip off reality?

Wrath: Nevermind. Wilhelm. Do you have any idea in your mind.

Wilhelm: *sigh* I would do anything just to-


Wrath and others looked towards white whale and noticed that he was emitting the fog that was moving towards them.

Y/n: The gluttony?

Troll: [Ahem!]

Subaru looked towards Troll who suddenly had the glasses and fake mustache on.

Troll: [ladies and gentlemen, this is so called "Mist of elimination". The mist that erases anyone who gets inside of it. It erases other's memories of the victim. Any moment in life that others had with victim will be forgotten and erased. It can also be called the authority of gluttony. It's more safe to avoid it. Thank you for the attention.]

Subaru: Troll! This fog can literally erase anyone who gets inside of it. That mist is approaching us and you are still calm!? With this fake mustache? Come, on!

Troll took off his glasses and glanced at Subaru with expression that would make you feel like you did something wrong.

Troll: [Did I make a joke? Because I don't remember making one at this time.]

Al: stand back! Let me use the earth magic to cover us from the mist!

Wrath: Save your stone wall for later. Just observe.

Wrath pointed his finger towards mist. Wilhelm was cautious about this whale. Because of that he took battle stance, just in case. Julius did same.

Ally Knight 1: what is he trying to do?

Ally Knight 3: I don't know.

Wrath: Oh? Want me to make the process faster? No problem!

Elsa was looking at the mist from distance with constant twitching pupils of her eyes. She noticed something and said.

Elsa: The fog... Stopped?

Suddenly mist started to move backwards.

Wilhelm: Fog is going backwards? ...This is odd.

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