46. never any good at being friends

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a concert six months from now- finneas

song: a concert six months from now- finneas

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Three months crawled by. Spring was almost gone, the sun was in the sky so much longer than before. I watched it move behind trees while I rubbed Evie's warm belly. She was very happy to have sunspots to soak in for a little longer.

Three months felt like those three years all over again. It was almost worse, knowing exactly where she was. I was practically a stalker at that point, my schedule just revolved around her schedule. Three-four days a week I would wake up, feed Evie, go for a run, get in the car that I bought after the first month here and drive a couple of hours into the city. Luckily, I had new demos to listen to and pick apart while I drove so it was almost like working.

I'd go to my studio first and meet with Niall, we'd work for a few hours before he started in on me, but it was always the same thing. "Call her, Harry."

"No." I threw my sandwich wrapper into the trash at his feet.

"You're fucking miserable! Just call her!"

"No, she doesn't want to see me." I spun back toward the board and was met with the same picture I've always kept there, tucked into the corner.

"Yes, she does!" He had been having this argument with me for a month at least.

"Then she can call me."

He swivels my chair back around to face him so I can really get the full dramatic effect. "She's not going to do that, you know her."

I keep my voice calm and level while I answer him the same way I have been, hoping it sinks in this time. "I do, and she knows me. She knows that I won't call her. She made her thoughts of me abundantly clear and if she wants to speak to me, she knows that she can. I'm not hiding from her. I gave her what she wanted, if it's not what she wants anymore then she knows how to get in touch."

He groaned his annoyance and ran his hands over his face. "I fucking hate you two. Why can't you just let anything be easy? Ever? Why can't you just be the first one to break?"

"Without her, all I have left is my pride. I have to hold on to that." I was kind of joking but he didn't really get it so it I groaned as I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back.

"Fuck your pride, you literally follow her home every day."

"No, I follow her home four days a week, and that can't hurt my pride because she doesn't know that I do that." He was really missing the sarcasm, it was unlike him.

"What happens when she catches you one day?" There was that asshole-Esque glint in his eye that I was all too familiar with.

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, smartass."

"Jesus, you two-"

Time to change the subject. "Oh hey, I bought these concert tickets, one of you needs to take her. It's in six months, but they were selling out, so."

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