Settling In... Or Not

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'What would it have been like... if I had succeeded?' 

Dick's gaze was focused on nothing in particular outside the living room window. He was lost in his mind yet again. Pondering how he would be right now if he had died. He would be with his parents again, his whole family for that matter. 

And he would be free.

Free of blame, of pain, of sadness. And his body would be restored.

No scars, no bruising, and no remains from his... attempt.

And his heart wouldn't be shattered either.

It was a strange thing, you know? He felt... nothing.

His mind was numb, he felt no pain from his wrists. And he didn't feel hungry. Realistically, he should. After all, his body has not gained sustenance for over almost three days now.

He didn't eat the day before his attempt, he simply had no appetite as he knew perfectly well what he was going to do the next day. The day he was brought to the hospital, he outright refused to eat. The next morning he refused any offers yet again. He wasn't trying to be difficult, he just didn't believe he could possibly eat at the moment. 

When Wally and Artemis had brought him home, the first thing Artemis had him do was sit on the couch with Brucely. She didn't bring him food, she knew full well he wouldn't accept anything. Instead, she offered to make some herbal tea. At least that way he would have some fluids.

Though Wally was, privately, worrying about Dick's refusal to eat, Artemis merely gave Wally a cold look as she prepared Dick's drink.

Yes, it obviously wasn't good and she was worried as well... but she understood. She obviously went through dark times, and there was a time she had even attempted herself.

The only thing that prevented her was realizing she would have been abandoning her mother. That's the only thing that stopped her but she never told her mother, she got through it on her own...

Artemis grimaced as she poured the tea, completely blocking out Wally's babbling now.

She was alone during it all... she made it through, yes, but it was hell.

Now Dick had nearly done the same... but it's different this time.

She ignored Wally as she exited the kitchen and found Dick nearly asleep on the couch with Brucely's head in his lap. A small smile tugged at her lips before she went closer and gently nudged Dick's shoulder and quietly handed him the cup.

Dick won't be alone, not anymore.

She was foolish to think her texts and calls would be enough to help him, she should have visited him more... regardless of what Wally said in the past. Maybe if she had tried just a little harder, they wouldn't be in this mess. 


She laid a gentle hand on Dick's shoulder, subtly watching to make sure he was really drinking his tea.

What's done is done.

"I'm going to put your bag in the guest room, alright? I'll be back in a bit, Brucely will keep you company."

She grabbed the bag from Wally's hands and with a jerk of her head prompted Wally to go with her.

She opened the door to the guest room, or what is now Dick's room, and placed the bag on the nearby chair with a sigh.

Well, the room had the armchair and a bed... and a dresser with a small TV on top. Nothing he could possibly use to--

She glanced up at the ceiling. No rafters... good. She never really looked before.

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