Spinjitzu Masters

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Long ago, all rangers are supposed to master one thing during their time as a hero. For now, only Scott, Francisco, James, and Daniel are the ones who haven't learned Spinjitzu yet. If they haven't indeed found their inner peace yet, it means they still haven't found their true potential. True potentials usually happen when a ranger realizes what has been broken in their lives and tries to mend it back together. In this case, our rangers still haven't seen what is broken so they can't mend it. 

Back in the real world, the rangers were happily eating lunch with their siblings when they received a message. "No one sends us messages at this time. Who would it be?" Scott asked them. They shrugged and checked the message. "It says that we have to meet at my throne room and do something important along with the other students of Ever After High," Francisco said while scrolling through his unread messages. "How big is your throne room?" James asked him. He just shrugged. 

When they all met at the throne room, they saw that there were the rangers' fathers sitting on the thrones. "Isn't that way out of your color?" Daniel asked his father sitting on a hot pink throne. "It's the only available one," his father said. "Why do you want us to meet here?" Jeremy asked his father. Just then, they heard a sound that was a lot like snakes slithering. "What was that? Why does it sound like snakes are coming this way?!" Adam asked them. Before anyone could reply, snakes appeared. Everyone screamed for dear life, but the rangers looked at them shocked. "Who are you?" Philip asked ready to attack. The snakes attacked everyone. But before they could hurt someone, the rangers took their weapons and fought. When one of the snake leaders was about to hit Scott, Jeremy, and Amber's parents, Scott took out his sword and said, "No one hurts my family!" when he hit the snake something magical happened.

His eyes turned bright green and he was surrounded by a bright green light. His attire quickly changed. He was now wearing a dark green suit, his head was covered by a dark green mask, his eyes could be clearly seen, above his eyes wore a green bandana that read, 'the green ranger', a golden lion was imprinted in his back, and he wore a green belt. "He has found his true potential," his father said wisely. When he was finished transforming, he was equipped with a golden sword. "Even his sword has made some major updates!" Francisco said cheering. Just then, a snake was about to spit venom on Lizzie.

Francisco took out his nunchucks from his pockets as quickly as possible and made sure that it was flaming hot. He looked for the right angle to burn him in and went behind it. "Get out of the way!" he yelled and threw the nunchucks at the snake. He also threw in a few fire blasts. After the snake burned, Francisco's eyes glowed bright red. "Ummm, what's happening?" James asked looking at Francisco. Just like Scott, he changed his suit. He was now wearing a dark read suit, with a dark red head mask on, he also had a bandana that read, 'the red ranger', a golden griffin on his back, and bright red belt wore on. "Is that what his true potential is?" everyone asked. His father nodded to let the people know.

 "This seems a little bit too calm," James thought. Just then, he heard boiling. "Has anyone boiled something?" he asked his friends. "I don't think this is the kitchen," Daniel replied. James looked up and saw that a snake was about to pour boiling snake venom on everyone. He quickly went up and punched him in the back. They fought for a while until James led the snake towards the balcony, and climbed on the curtains to avoid falling. The snake was too slow, so he ended up falling. After the snake fell, James's eyes were glowing blue! He now wore a dark blue suit, a dark blue mask, a bandana that read 'the blue ranger', a golden dragon on his back, and a bright blue belt. "Let's go!" James shouted. "He has found his true potential," his father, the king said. 

Daniel was the only one who hasn't received his true potential yet. He was in the corner when h saw that the snake was about to attack his friends. He slowly went to them and said, "Even though I haven't found my true potential yet, get away from them," after defeating the snake, Daniel's eyes went gold and he transformed! He was now wearing a gold suit, gold mask, a bandana that said 'the gold ranger', a black phoenix imprinted on his back, and a dark yellow belt. "Sweet!" he yelled. 

Now, every ranger was able to find their true potential. But the adventure just begins!

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