CH 3: This is our girl

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"What lessons have I got today?" I ask Maya as we were walking to out lockers. The hallways were jam-packed with people walking to their various classes, if Maya wasn't clutching my arm tight enough to cut off all of my blood circulation, I would have lost her instantly.

"History, Maths and then you have a break, then you have gym, lunch, English and then science" Of course she had
already memorised both mine and her whole flipping timetable, why am I not surprised?

"K thanks" I replied with a small groan, I don't know about our new teachers but our old ones were absolutely t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. We found our lockers and got our books ready for our classes before saying goodbye to each her other. I went to the history classroom whilst Maya headed to the maths corridor. luckily most people were still trying to find their lockers so I got a chance to take a seat at the back of the class. To lower the risk of getting noticed by certain people (ahem ahem* Flash *ahem ahem) I lowered my head and people started filing in, the teacher following seconds behind. "Apologies for the tardiness everybody! I had to attend a quick meeting, now, my name is Mr Rogers and today we will be covering World War II. Now-"
From here on out, I just started to day dream until the flashbacks made a small visit......

I was lying on the floor, black spots clouding my vision, pins and needles in my foot.
I didn't make my aunts meal in the right way and now I had to pay for that, paying meaning being slightly impaled by a sharp kitchen utensil right in the centre of the leg, it wasn't deep but enough to leave a scar.

Just thinking about it made my leg tingle.


Finally! Bad news, I have maths now, good news, I got a seat in the back of the class again.

Our maths (a/n, I'm British, deal with it) teacher was late to class but just started handing out papers with a smirk on his face. "I will be really surprised if anyone manages to get even 40% but I can't be bothered to teach you right now so here ya go" he handed me a paper without giving me a second glance and I just started flicking through the equations, I could already see this was gonna be so easy.

(Le timeskip)

It was now time for gym, the day has been pretty uneventful so far but whatever. this was the only lesson I had with Maya today do I can't be too bad right? After getting changed and making sure all of my bruises were still covered, I made my way to the gymnasium. The two teachers, Mr Barnes and the read headed one who never introduces herself, were just standing there, muttering about something or rather.

"Welcome everyone, the topic we will be covering today is self defence," started Mr Barnes.
"Everybody find a partner, get a space on one of the mats and start sparring." The other teacher finished with a finality to her tone.

This was gonna be a piece of cake, you see, I may or may not have spent half my life as a hydra assassin and prisoner so hand to hand combat is nothing new to me. Maya and I found a space in the middle of the room and immediately started sparring. She want in for a harmless punch but I blocked with ease and started some of the more professional moves, finally feeling free and ready to let loose. I didn't do anything to seriously hurt her, only given her a few bruises but it count all the same. As soon as I had her on the ground i stood down and took a short breath,I wasn't even sweating. I looked up, about to see how everyone else was doing when I caught everyone's eyes on me, as someone who would rather the world swallow them up, this was not a good situation to be in.

Natasha P.O.V (Back a bit in time)

This morning, Fury held a meeting before classes started.

"This student could be anyone, just keep an eye out. We know that Hydra is after them, we can interrogate them when they are safely is SHEILD. Meet back here are lunch break"

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