Chapter 1 [Part 1] : Where Are We?

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I'll be using these to help differentiate languages and also be more logical lol

And enjoy

= This indicates the person is speaking in Malay =

" This indicates the person is speaking in English "

[ This indicates the person is speaking in Japanese ]

' This indicates the person is thinking '


No one's POV

=Ugh= =Ow= Two girls and two boys were seen waking up with another boy choking out water while laying on his side, heaving for air afterwards before falling unconscious once again.

They were all sat in the middle of a grass with a forest close by.

=Eh, BOBOIBOY!= A girl with pink hijab quickly got up and went to her friend and checked for his pulse and heartbeat =Okay, he's fine. Though his pulse is weak=

=Huh, where are we guys?= A girl with blue and yellow coloured clothing asked.

=Wait, what happened? Weren't we just in a river to save Boboiboy?!= A boy with a red and white headband asked in returned, thoroughly surprised with their sudden change in location.

=Yeah we were! No time to waste, we need to get Boboiboy treated ASAP!!= The blue-yellow girl, Ying, exclaimed.

=I'll go fly around and see if I can find anything usef-=


The boy with raven hair, Fang, got cut short as a loud explosion was heard. Fang quickly created his shadow eagle, got onto it and flew up.

=Guys! The explosion came from that dome building not too far from here. We should see what's that all about, maybe we can get help for Boboiboy there as well!=

They all nodded in response and went to the dome building. Making a plan on their way there.






Izuku POV

' It's been a bit since Iida-kun left to fetch the pro-heroes, I don't think Aizawa-sensei can hold up any longer That creature is abnormally strong. I think I heard one of the villains called it a "Nomu"' I thought to myself

[ Hey! What are those black things on the ground and now on the thing's feet?! ] I heard my classmate asked pointing at it. I panned my vision towards it.

Suddenly two girls were speeding towards the creature called Nomu. One was flying while the other was running. Both were in unimaginable speed.

=Mighty punch=

=Super fast kicks=

The nomu was thrown and slammed faraway into a wall making a big dent on it. though the Nomu rose back to it's feet.

[ Eh?! Who are those girls?! How are they so powerful and strong?! ] I asked loudly, unsure towards who.

[ I'm not sure, Midoriya-san. They are indeed very powerful ] The classmate of mine said. Both of us watched them in awe.

One of them is now flying towards us with Aizawa-sensei in hand.

[ Aizawa-sensei! ] We shouted.

[ Can you take him to safety please? ] The girl asked

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