Dreams: Short Movies & Hypnagogia

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May 7th, 2022
Friday PM/ Sat Am

Dream 1: Short Movies

I was watching a movie with a girl with long dark hair. I didn't know her name. The movie looks similar to a VHS tape but sturdier. We watched a movie about these two kids around 12 or 13. I think they were investigating something. A man played by Harrison Ford made an appearance in the film and investigated the basement that knew one knew about since the 1980s. There were dead bodies and I forget how the film went. It was a very short film. The girl was mad because I kept talking and asking questions.

"Go ahead, ask one more question." She fumed and stormed off.

A girl came up to me with what looked bigger than a music CD but smaller than a record. It was the audio. You had to play them together to hear the film. I thanked her and told her we already watched it.

I looked behind me and a guy lounging near a window and reading. I asked him why the film was so short. It was only a scene. He said that's how long most movies were and seemed confused that they should be longer.

Dream 2: Icky Water

I was waist-deep in water, moving through some black metal gates outside. There was little space and then something attached itself to my legs and I felt creeped out and couldn't get them off. I think they were leeches.

Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Dreams I've had:

1.) Butterflies:

The first time I had Hypnopompic dreams was after I woke up suddenly. This was not a false awakening. There was a white glowing butterfly fluttering around my head. I sat straight up in bed and nearly screamed and began swatting at them. Looking back it was quite beautiful. I didn't know what Hypnagogia or Hypnopompic dreams were back then.

2) The man with his back turned to me:

I woke up and sat up as I saw a man in white with long hair. He was standing with his back to me holding his hands behind his back. I reached out and tried to touch him but my hand went right through him.

3) The Beach:

This happened a few days ago. My alarm went off for work and I hit the snooze button. I was relaxed and saw clearly a beach. The waves gently lapped at me. I smiled, this time knowing what it was. Sadly I had to get up and it vanished.

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