Chapter 5: Mr President

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"Where's dad?" Ezra muttered to himself as he attempted to peer over the crowd. Bobbing heads and walls of moving bodies hindered his vision. The strobe lights and pounding music made it all the harder. Occasionally he would get a glance at the bar where his dad had presumably gone to get the next round, but he couldn't see him.

Fuck. Why did he let Colby take them to a gay strip club? It was such a Colby thing to do. He knew he should've checked before hand where Colby was going to take them. This almost equals the time Colby took Ezra's elderly grandma on a day trip to the morgue. 'It is something you should probably start thinking about.' Colby had told her. Yeah, she hadn't contacted them since. He wasn't sure if that was entirely do with the visits to the morgue, Colby's comment or the fact that she thought Ezra shouldn't be with a man at all. A family belief it seemed.

What if his dad had left? He wasn't even sure he would blame him... well, he could.

At least Colby wasn't going anywhere. He turned around to see Colby having an in depth conversation with one of the male strippers. An incredibly buff guy wearing nothing but a black jockstrap with glow in the dark skeleton bones on it. He was crouched down, stopping his dance to listen to Colby ramble. Colby looked very serious about whatever he was asking. At one point the dancer pointed at his underpants and said something to Colby. He then reached his hand forward and stroked Colby's face. Any other person would get jealous or worry of their partner cheating. Not Ezra, why would he need to worry about something like that?

Colby pushed away the hand and pointed at the ring on his finger then at Ezra who glared at the dancer (not out of jealousy but because fuck that guy). He then placed his hands in front of his hips and thrusted into what was probably an imaginary Ezra. Ezra glared at Colby until he stopped. Thank goodness his dad wasn't around to see that.

A pair of arms wrapped around his waist. Colby rested his head on Ezra's shoulder. "Can you see him?"

"No. There's way too many people."

"Do you want to split up and look for him?"

Ezra looked down at his phone in his hands. He had sent multiple 'where are you' text messages to his dad and none of them had been answered. "Let's check the bar first and if he's not there... he probably left."

They shuffled their way to the bar. Sometimes a drunk would shove into Ezra and Colby would do his best bodyguard act and push them away. After a while, he got a bit too into it and walked in front of Ezra. He waved his hands back and forth, using his hands as binoculars to hypothetically help him see better, all the while he yelled out: "This way, Mr President! Careful, Mr President!" Always finding a way to make every situation more fun, no wonder the dancer had tried it with Colby. Well too bad! He was well and firmly taken.

His dad wasn't at the bar. They checked left and right along the bar, even checking the bar tables that were hidden in the dark corners. Yep, there were some private things happening in those booths that Ezra wished he didn't see. A nice couple did offer him weed which he politely declined and forcibly made Colby decline. They lingered by the bar, hoping that his dad might spot them and come over. He also asked the bartender.

"Have you seem a man? About my height, dark hair, late fourties."

The bartender shrugged. "Dude, the amount of guys I see every night. You think I remember every face I see?"

"He's dressed super formal. Suit and tie."

"Listen man, I don't know where your business daddy is at. There's a hundred more in here, go get a new one. Now are you going to order a drink or not?"

Colby slammed a ten dollar bill on the bill. "As many shots as this'll get us."

It got them two. It was an expensive club.

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