07 | The football game, Nora! How could you forget!?

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I stirred in my sleep as I heard a faint vibrating sound to my right. I decided to ignore the interruption, attempting to go back to sleep again but the noise got louder and louder. I groaned as though it would tell the noise to shut up.


"Ugh!" I opened my eyes and rolled over to my side finding my phone was receiving an incoming call. I snatched the phone from my bedside table. The force was enough to causes my charger to unplug and I looked to see who was calling me..


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Are you fucking serious?! I groaned again and pressed accept. "What...?" My voice came out groggy and tired.

"Did you just wake up?"

"Did I? What gave it away, Andy?" I said, my tone coming off a little harsher than I intended to.

"Why are you sleeping? It's 1 in the afternoon, sis."

"Can't a girl have a nap?" I rolled my eyes, "why are you calling me?"

I heard him laughing on the other end, "it's Saturday, Nora." He said like it was supposed to help me connect the dots.

"Yeah, that's why I'm having a nap, Andreas." He was beginning to get on my nerves with his vague answers. I tried to fight the urge to hang up on him right now and go back to sleep.

"Do you not remember what we bet on?" He took a short pause for me to process what was going on but when I didn't say anything he added , "the football game, Nora! How could you forget?!"

Dread immediately washed over my body at the realisation of today. I've completely forgotten about that stupid bet and it's supposed to happen today!? I whined, "what! Ugh, do I have to gooo."

"A bet is a bet and I'm already on the way to your place."

I jumped out of bed, "what! What time is the game?" In a panic I rummaged around my apartment, picking up and hiding random items found on the floor so the place looks some what presentable.. Don't want my brother scolding me about how messy my apartment is again.

"Kick off is at 2" like I know what that fucking means— "but I wanna go grab a bite to eat before we get there. I'll be at yours in half an hour." Half an hour?! That's not enough time for me to get ready. I needed to shower! And do my makeup! And find a cute outfit! I decided to cut the shower even though I always shower after my naps. I usually feel crusty and shit when I wake up from them but I decided to just wash my face instead.

𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now