Short Bonus Chapter - Ellie

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7 Hours

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7 Hours

"The naivety of Shield operatives always surprises me, you're in way over your heads. Do you have idea about who you have locked up?" Her voice is bored as she looks directly into Director Fury's eyes, a chill in the air makes the human uneasy, though he would never let her know that. "And by taking me here, you have left two emotionally unstable vampires alone without anyone to help support them. May Elijah and Enzo have mercy on your agents."

"We'll simply put them down, it was easy enough to take you and your....'partners'. You think we can't take them too? And you called us naïve." Fury laughed coldly, trying to exude confidence in front of the doppelgänger.

"It's adorable how you think you managed to capture us." Ellie holds her hand up, the handcuffs around her wrists, coldly biting into her skin. A red glow surrounds her hand and she clenches her fist, Fury falling forward slightly as he feels his heart painfully clench. "Feel that? That's your heart slowly being crushed, tempt me any further......"

Lowering her hand, Ellie tilts her head, looking down at the Director with no mercy, a small smirk forming on her face.

"Simply release myself and my mates and you can keep your life."

"You're dangerous to society, all of you. We found the bodies in Mystic Falls. 245 bodies, all ripped apart. You can't expect us to ever let you go. A secure facility is where you're heading." Fury gets up, walking to the door, having enough of the freaky psychopath. "Someone will be in, in a moment to take some questions down."

The director leaves, a low chuckle making its way from Ellie as he slams the door shit. Outside the cell, Agent May and Coulson watch Ellie state directly at the two way mirror, her eyes a burning red. Similar to a certain Scarlett Witch. 

"She's psychotic." Fury comments, releasing a slow sigh. "How are the others?"

"We've found out their names. Kol and Klaus Mikaelson. Malachi Parker but he only responds to Kai. Thomas O'Connor. Stiles Stilinski. And Lucifer Morningstar." Coulson reads their names off the file in his hands, his eyes hovering over the large bold red numbers of their body count. "They all seem to be different species and have different abilities. So far we have found no way to control Stilinski's abilities, he can use his abilities on us no matter the distance and currently he has hurt the most of our agents."

"What about the others? Have they hurt any agents?" May asks, not having interacted with the individuals yet.

"Kol Mikaelson has ripped the hearts out of five agents so far, his brother Klaus killing just as many. We've had to chain them both up with a herb called vervain. O'Connor hasn't hurt anyone but each agent will refuse to go near him. It's like he induces fear into every agent that comes within a ten metre radius." Coulson pauses for a minute, not believing what he reads next.

"What? Spit it out." Fury demands tensely, the whole situation becoming more and more dangerous. It may be an Avengers level threat.

"Agents have been reported to have had mental trauma from being near Morningstar, he doesn't even move but agents immediately fall into a fear filled comatose state, we have had no recoveries yet. It took twelve agents to restrain Parker however, only five agents made it out alive. We don't know where the daggers keep on appearing from. He has admitted to being a sociopath. Then finally we have Stilinski. May, you take this one." Coulson passes the file to agent May, the normally fierce woman taking a deep breath.

"Stilinski has been reported to have two personalities within the one body, one personality answering to Stiles whilst the other responds to Void. Stiles defers all questions asked with 'sarcastic and witty comments, showing a higher IQ than some of our own agents.' Void seems to feed off of anyone that enters the same room as him, we think it may be chaos and strife that is his main source. All of the individuals species are unknown and we have no idea how they can do what they do."

"So basically we have one psychotic girl who can fucking crush your heart without even touching you. Then we have two serial killer brothers, one fear monster, a nightmare coma man, a sociopath dating the psychopath and a two personality demon boy."

"Yup, that's exactly it." Maria Hill walks into the room, a tablet in her hands. "We've just confirmed that all the males are in-fact dating Gilbert and she is 'mated' to the males. So they're basically soulmates."

"What supernatural shit show have we walked into?" Fury snarls, rubbing his forehead in worry. "Hill, this is an Avengers level threat, summon the team."

All of the Shield agents in the room turn to the two way glass, a chill running down their backs at the scarily quiet words coming from Ellie.

"Tik tok goes the clock. Tik tok, you've got seven hours."



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