Vol 3 Ch 8: The Hunt for 'X' part 1

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Third person pov:-

A certain day prior to the onset of our winter vacation. A massive typhoon
fell upon Class D. And it was caused by none other than us.

When the class ended, The doors to their classroom opened and Class B students, including me and Ryuuen, showed up at Class D. The class was in uproar over this unexpected visit. Chabashira-sensei glanced at us briefly but then immediately left the classroom. It would be a different story if a brawl were about to break out but there’s nothing wrong with students from a different class paying a visit.

Horikita, who was about to leave, stopped and glanced at the Class B students. The ones who showed up were Ryuuen, me, Ishizaki, Soga and Albert. Also Komiya and Kondou. It’s is understandable that the class would be tense with all these fighters gathering. To be honest, I was the only one out of place. But as a so-called "leading figure" in Class B. I was dragged along.

But I have grown stronger when it comes to fighting, thanks to the excersize I do everyday and also that taekwondo DVD. Even though it was used to trick me, it was still legit and helped out in my training. What can I say? I am a fast learner.

As for Soga, he didn't want to get involved with Ryueen but came along anyway for two reasons. One, because Ryuen's actions could spill trouble for our class and two, Because I begged him too.

I needed his easy going, extroverted attitude to lessen the tension between the two classes incase Ryueen does something really over the line. After all, even if he is from class B. Soga has a very good reputation in other classes as "one of the good ones" in our class.

“What the hell? This is Class D”. The first one to react to Ryuuen was Sudou.
His tendency to pick fights may have been a factor but it may also be a purely self-defensive reaction to avoid being played like before.

Sudou immediately stood up and approached Ryuuen. Seeing that, Hirata panicked and got between them as though fearing conflict. “Do you have some business with our class, Ryuuen-kun?” As Hirata, unable to
understand the situation, asked him that, Ryuuen replied extravagantly.

“Is there a reason why I shouldn’t drop by a colleague’s class? It’s something
that happens in every school, right? Going to a class that’s not your own to
visit a friend. Why are you all so afraid?” The first words he spoke sounded so much like a provocation but Hirata calmly replied to that high-pressure attitude. “Normally speaking, yes. But don’t you think the circumstances in this school are somewhat different? At the very least, you’ve never visited Class D before.” Hirata tried to smooth things over by treating this as an emergency at most. “We’ve just been estranged until now. I thought now’s as good a time as any to act more aggressively.” He placed a hand on the desk of a nearby girl and grinned, showing off his white teeth.
“You guys sure did well during the Paper Shuffle exam. Thanks to that, Class B lost. Quite impressive.”

“Heh. That just means you’re an incompetent ape of a boss, right? Very soon trash like you will fall down to class D". Hirata panickedly restrains Sudou when he took a potshot from the side. “We put in effort to make steady progress.”

“Effort, huh? Sudou, who seems completely unfamiliar with the concept, still seems to be around so that’s puzzling. I thought he’d be the first to drop out.”

“So you’ve finally remembered my name?” They met eyes and glared at one another. Several of our classmates who were about to head back also froze up
at this situation. “Could you tell us what you’re really after?” From Hirata’s
perspective, he wants to figure this out as quickly as possible so he’d want to
avoid being continuously caught up in Ryuuen’s pace. However, it’s better to
assume he’s deliberately acting that way.

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