Chapter 35: Scotch and Feelings prt.2

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"Why are you being so weird right now?!"

"Why do you even care?!"

"I don't know! Because I Goddamn fucking care about you??!"

"Then why?! You know I can't understand this kind of things!!"

I screamed at his face as I threw a cushion pillow at him. He caught the damn pillow and clench his hands on it and sighed.

"Because I love you!"

21:15 PM, THU

Third Person's POV
The alcohol in the bottle is already half empty as their conversation over a bottle of scotch continues. Shiro tilted her glass a bit, making a small clinking sound of the ice cube hitting the glass. She then turned her gaze towards the blonde lawyer.

Ukyo clenched his fist that was inside his pocket and sighed.

"After two months of desperately waiting, unfortunately for me, you became my sister..."

Shiro didn't know how to react after that. Her thoughts and emotions was in chaos once again.

"You can say I was mad at Fate for doing this to me..."

He bitterly said with a sad smile. He then turned to look at Shiro to see her reaction, but he was met by her dull black gems. She was also looking at him. He saw her lips twitch into a sad smile before looking away with a blank look and mumbling something before taking a sip.

"Who wouldn't be?"

Though it was faint, he still heard it. He keep looking at her as he continued talking.

"I tried to be just a brother. I did my best, but my affection grew into something more different. The familial affection that I forced myself to have, grew differently. I don't actually remember when I realized it, but I just did."

Shiro glanced at him, just to see that he was still looking at her.

"I tried to suppress those feelings, because I know it was wrong. But the more I try to ignore it, the stronger it gets. I even get jealous whenever I hear you spend some time with Masaomi or Hikaru. Even with Kaname when he flirts with you" He tried to say the last one in a jesting manner, but Shiro saw through it.

"I know I'm not the only one who is falling for you, Shiro. I can see it and I felt threatened. Especially with Hirashi-san..."

He said, finally frowning for the first time since their conversation started. Shiro saw the sudden change of facial expression but she chose to look away and empty her glass. Finally pouring her fourth glass, she realized that she should be getting tipsy, but with all the nerves she is feeling she concluded that it might be because of it. It's like the scotch turned into plain cold water.

The chilly wind of the night suddenly blew, making Shiro's hair dance elegantly with it. This was such a mesmerizing view for Ukyo. It made him fall more. His heart was suddenly beating louder. The familiar exhilarating feeling is swallowing him whole again.

He swallowed and looked away.

"I know you're still confused and surprised. You don't have to say anything about it right now. I'll let you think about"

Shiro just remained quiet. Not bothering to look at him anymore and diving deep into her thoughts now. All she can think about now is why the hell this stepbrothers of hers are either falling for her or for her little sister. She was trying to look, to think, for any logical reason for this specific event. She's thinking so much right now that she can't even tell if the growing headache she's experiencing is from her drink or from her thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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