Towards the Hidden Vault

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When I opened my eyes my mom and sister were busy getting ready to go out. With my eyes not fully open I walked to my mom and asked her where she was going. She told me "Sweetie get ready fast, we are going to a place that your teacher told us to visit today. And know that not everyone is given permission to go there". 

I did forget to introduce myself. I am Leah pursuing zoology as my mainstream in my 6th semester of university. Yes, you are right I go crazy hearing the word animals. Lacking a social component in me but a different person when it comes to animals. I am now in the western part of America visiting my old school with my mom and sister on a vacation.

With that said the curiosity inside me went crazy knowing limited people are given access. I freshened up and got ready in a matter of a few minutes. We headed out of our room when the person assigned by my teacher was standing in the corridors and told us " Good afternoon ma'am, I am the Guard 101. You have been given access to visit the vault today as I'm not authorized to go there I will be providing you with the directions. Straight ahead will be a stairwell leading down, then turn right to see the stairwell leading to the subterranean, where you will be looked after by the teacher". I asked the man "Sir, could you tell me what is down there??". The man replied, "Ma'am I apologize but none other than the people working there know much about it. However, it was recently that we got to know such a vault existed."

Hearing this I got more and more intrigued to know what was special and why we were given permission to go there.

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