[Yoonkook] Not On His Mind

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Jungkook sighs as he struggles to hold the drunk Yoongi in the street

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Jungkook sighs as he struggles to hold the drunk Yoongi in the street. He kept stumbling and kept mumbling things, which Jungkook didn't pay much attention to.

Upon reaching the house, Jungkook even struggled with opening the door. But luckily, he managed to get the older inside.

Locking the door after getting in, he walked Yoongi to the living room. He sat the older on the couch. Yoongi let out groan, and Jungkook breathes heavily.

"You're a pain in the ass, hyung" He says and watched as Yoongi laid down. He then went to get a basin and cloth to wipe off the dirt and dust on the older's face.

He smiles and walked to the living room after getting what he needed, of course with the basin having warm water. Placing the basin on the coffee table, he dips the cloth and made sure to remove the water.

After that, he starts wiping Yoongi's face. This went on until he finished with both his arms. He can take a shower when he wakes up. As he's about to leave, his arm is grabbed and Yoongi hugs him.

He smiles a little and hugged the older back.
"I missed you, Heekyun" Upon hearing this, Jungkook's smile fell. He removed himself from the older, staring at him.

He shakes his head to try and not make his tears fall. He scoffs at himself, snickering.

"You're a friend, what did you expect?"

"You're a friend, what did you expect?"

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