Run Away Vikk (Vikklan)

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Holy crap, I just realized how much you people like my Vikklan one shots. How have I not realized this before?! This ship is still growing on me, so I'll gladly keep writing them! And thanks to all who gave me requests last chapter, I now have stuff to do again! Enjoy this ones shot, 'cause AwkwardPanda250 requested this about a month ago. Oops, plz don't hurt me...

That was it. He'd had enough of this. They had pushed him too far, he was done. He didn't look back once as his feet pounded against the street. His so-called "friends" had gone way too far with their "friendly teasing". He quickly arrived at his he- his house, and stormed up the stairs. He didn't care if he awoke his parents, he was done with this town. He quickly grabbed what was important and packed it into his backpack. He zipped shut the bag and then opened up his window. That was the exact moment his father walked in, so he jumped out the window, hoping for the best. He luckily landed on his feet so he threw his bag over his shoulder and ran. His feet thumped against the pavement as he rushed towards an opening in the woods. He quickly found one and ran right in, being short enough to not duck under the branch. He ran as far as he could into the woods and stopped, panting. It wasn't until he heard twigs snapping that he began to run again.

He ran until he found a small opening in the woods. There was a nice clearing surrounded by trees on all sides. He sat on a stump in the center and took his backpack off his shoulder. He grabbed out his phone and quickly became distracted by a game called Minecraft. He was so distracted he didn't notice the soft crunching of leaves or the sound of someone breathing. He didn't notice he had been followed until he saw his follower over the top of his phone. He jumped back, panic rushing through his veins. Before his stood a tall blond man, maybe around his age, with stunning blue eyes.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you." The blond reached out a hand and the other took it. The blond, who strangely had an Australian accent, pulled him up and smiled. "I'm Lachlan, and you might be?"

"Vikk. Why did you follow me?" Lachlan chuckled before saying

"We don't get many runaways any more. I help them out, keep them safe. Come with me!" He giggled excitedly before dragging Vikk along, letting him grab his backpack first. He brought Vikk farther into the woods and after a few minutes they approached a tree house.

"Lachy! Are you okay?" A voice yelled as they jumped off the tree house. It was a boy slightly younger than the two, with a checkered hoodie and dog tags hanging around his neck.

"I'm fine Mitch. Stahp worrying dood. Where's Jerome?"

"Bacca from the trees!" Another voice yelled as a boy jumped from the tree house and landed on the other. The two began to wrestle and Lachlan began laughing.

"Come on you two! Don't kill each other." Lachlan said as he separated the two. "Guys, meet Vikk. Vikk, meet Mitch and Jerome." Lachlan said, pointing to the respective people. Jerome was the boy who had jumped out second, he wore a hooded sweatshirt that said "PO$H" and a pair of slightly ripped jeans. Both boys had shaggy brown hair that probably never cooperated. Vikk smiled at the two boys and whispered a hello.

"Hello Vikk! Welcome to le casa de, um, Us!" Jerome said causing Mitch to begin laughing.

"You wanted to say Merome, didn't you?" Mitch asked which made Jerome blush. Vikk looked to Lachlan as if asking for an answer.

"Oh Vikk. Forgot to tell you. Those to are dating so I usually just call them Merome. It saves me some air." Vikk nodded at Lachlan explanation and then smiled at the two boys who were once again on the ground wrestling. Lachlan walked around the two and signaled for Vikk to follow. He began to climb up the tree and Vikk followed right behind, glad he could climb trees so well. "We'll be inside!" Lachlan called down as the two reached the door. He helped Vikk up the last bit, pulling a bit too hard and sending both of them tumbling into the house. They stopped with Vikk seated on Lachlan's stomach as he lied on the ground. The two stared at each other and began laughing. Once their laughter calmed down, Vikk lied on Lachlan, cuddling into the warm body. Lachlan wrapped his arms around the shorter, kissing his forehead lightly. Lachlan suddenly felt himself being brought into a kiss and accepted it, pulling Vikk closer. The two laid there kissing until they heard a wolf whistle from the doorway. They broke apart to see Mitch and Jerome standing there. Vikk buried his face into Lachlan's chest as a blush spread across his cheeks.

"Hm. Biggums, what's a good name for these two?"

"Hm. I'm thinking Vikklan."

"Sounds Gucci. Well Vikklan, if you two ever disconnect your faces, we can start up dinner."

"F*ck off, Merome." Lachlan said as he sat up and pulled a red Vikk closer into his chest.

Not quite as long, but eh. I still think it was awesome. Also, hope you like the new cover! I drew it myself due in art class. Eventually I'll write a one shot for it.

Thanks for 5K reads! You cheeses are absolutely amazing. I'm so lucky to have you. Each and every one of you are special to me. Don't forget that.

Peace and love my cheeses!

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