Mysterious Him

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Followed by the Owl was a small bird that the teacher whistled and called out. It was a red colored sparrow kind of bird which had traces of brown and white color on its stomach. The bird came flying and sat on the teachers arm. While I raised my hand to pet it the teacher told "Don't! She doesn't like being touched". But before I knew my hand reached the bird and it was about to bit me while I suddenly jerked my hand backwards. The bird made eye contact with me and sat on the flat surface next to me. I again brought my hand forward, at first it hesitated and moved backward but later it stopped and let me pet it; making the noise of a dolphin with a screech of a bird which was heart melting. Again surprised the teacher was speechless and moved forward to the other animals one by one. To her astonishment all the animals there behaved stranger than usual was what she thought.

As we neared the end of the journey we came across the last part of the underground which was a grilled translucent door. The teacher told us " we better be cautious while entering this area because up until now the animals that we came across are all super unexplanatory living beings. Furious but not deadly. This one is different and the visiting time had been kept so as to protect the visitors. An unpredictable creature which is the ruling half breed of this place". Listening to this my mom and sister were shocked but not really scared and on the contrary I was more and more curious to know what it is. 

While we entered the place I was awestruck to see the vast green land accompanied by a shed on the side. Nothing like the closed room an underground vault should be. Expecting to see more animals I went on to the shed which was open with hip level grill. A gate on two sides (the front and the right side) in the end. I was taken aback to see a man sleeping in a comfortable posture with hand supporting his head and body on the ground where a small cushion was laid for him to sleep on. His eyes were closed but he could sense our presence I can say.

There was also a girl on the far end, opposite to gate of the other side. He was wearing a black shirt and a she in a cream yellow gown  having medium length hair, plated loose lay extended by her shoulders. She was amazingly beautiful at the same time emitting a flirty vibe. The man on the other end was flawless, looked good in shape and had a serious thinking face, furious and elegant at the same time with attitude. I wondered who he was.

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