Chapter 22 - Captured Feelings

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Light chatter sounds woke up Marinette. She turned on her right side and slowly opened her eyes only to see Alya talking with a nurse.

Wait. A nurse?!

It took her a moment until her visions cleared and her brain started functioning again.

She gasped. She was in her room! But how? The last thing she remembered was her fall and Tikki's leaving sight as she rushed for help.

And..those glowing green pair of eyes.

After that, her memories were completely blank. She didn't remember anything more.

"Oh my gosh, you're finally awake!" Alya exclaimed when she heard Mari's movements. She immediately rushed to her and closed the princess into her arms. "You made me so worried, stupid girl!"

Mari let out a silent smile. "I'm so happy to be back too..." she hugged Alya back. "But, what happened? Did Tik.." she paused when she realized the nurse was still in her room.

"Good morning, Your Majesty!" she bowed at her. "I leave you alone for now and I'm going to bring the doctor to check on your condition as soon as he can," she said and after Mari's thanking for her help, she exited the room.

"So.." Mari waited a bit before continuing their conversation, "Could Tikki find you?" Mari asked as she tried to pull herself up. However, her muscles were still so weak, that she collapsed back to her bed.

"Shh shh Mari, don't push yourself! You're still healing!" Alya looked at her sternly. "You have no idea how worried you made us all, don't you?"

"What.. But why? It was a simple fall. I just twisted my ankle, it's not like it hadn't happened to me before! You know how clumsy I can be!" she chuckled, "Okay I did faint but I guess it was because of the pain." she shrugged.

"Marinette, this wasn't just about a twisted ankle. You..," Alya paused to force back a tear forming in her eyes, ".. You haven't woken up for 3 days! We thought you'd.. You'd never come back to us!"

Mari's eyes grew wide open. "Wha.. What are you talking about? I've been unconscious for... for three days??! But.. How could this be possible?" She looked shocked.

Three days. Mari couldn't believe it. She had had injuries like this a million times throughout her childhood, she got used to it. Something like this only happened with..

With her mother.

Ever since she read Sabine's letters, memories that were hidden deep inside her, started to come to the surface. Memories about her mother's illness. She remembered those times when Sabine was unconscious for days and even the best doctors couldn't tell what caused these faintings and how long would she remain like this.

"Well, apparently, it didn't help that according to Tikki, you had been walking in the rain for hours with completely drenched clothes. Girl, how could you be so irresponsible??" Alya asked frustratedly.

Like a flashback, that night's memories about Chat Noir and her breakup immediately replayed in Mari's mind. She could still feel the pain she saw in Chat's eyes when he left her alone.

Covering her face with her hand, she sniffed.

"I.. I did it," she whispered.

" Did what exactly!? What could you possibly do out there in the rain?" Alya frowned.

"I.. Broke up with Chat Noir."

Without hesitation, Alya hugged Mari and didn't let go until she stopped crying. Now she understood everything. She knew exactly how hard this decision was to make for her friend, and she was really proud of her to be able to go through with it. Even if this was the reason for her current condition which she was still angry about though.

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