Chapter 62

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Its been 6 months since the twins and Tris left school to be on their own. The Joke Shop started off kind of rough in the beginning, but now, it was a huge success. Children came in with their parents everyday trying to convince them to buy several of the shops items. Hogwarts now had smaller versions of the Trickster trio running around setting off multiple mini fireworks and glitter bombs.

Word has been going around that the Pink Goblin was no longer over Hogwarts and that Dumbledore was finally back. Tris had her own opinions about Dumbledore but she kept them to herself unless she ranted about it to the twins. George and Tris had their own bedroom up in the flat above the shop and Fred had his own. Each morning George would wake up before Tris and make her coffee and bring it to her in bed. They almost acted like a married couple and this made Tris' heart melt everyday.

She knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man, and he wanted to do the same with her. It was just a guessing game for Tris as to when George would finally ask THE question. She had a gut feeling it was coming soon, but then again it could just be her nerves playing tricks on her. Today was Saturday, meaning the shop would be slammed packed as usual of all of the students who went to Hogwarts. The twins did as they normally did and started promoting all of their favorite shop items. Tris helped the customers find anything they were looking for and helped keep the items fully stocked and out on the shelves.

"STEP UP, STEP UP!" "We've got fainting fancies, nosebleed nougat, and just in time for school!" the twins shouted from the staircase of the shop. When Tris was helping little kids find the mini fireworks, she looked over and spotted some of her favorite people who she missed dearly. "Ginny! Harry!" Tris shouted as she ran over and greeted her friends with a hug. "Tris! Oh my gosh we've missed you so much!" Ginny said once they released each other from a hug. Behind her stood Lucy and Cedric. Tris turned around and gave them both hugs as well.

The golden trio began telling Tris all of the details about Hogwarts and Tris was honestly glad she wasn't going there anymore. The school had basically downgraded from when she attended as a 5th year. But she was glad that none of her friends were getting burned this time if they had detention. After catching up with her friends, Marlee walked in and both Marlee and Tris slammed each other in for a tight hug. Both girls walked into a spot in the shop where they could talk in private. Tris motioned to George that she'd be going upstairs to their flat to have a private conversation with Marlee. George understood and let her go while he and Fred took care of everything down in the shop.

Marlee stayed at 12 Grimmauld Place over the summer so Tris wanted to know all of the details about what the Order had been up to. More and more deatheater spottings were popping up more frequently and they were getting closer and closer to Hogwarts, meaning they were figuring out where Harry and Tris were and how to get to them. "Well that's fantastic." Tris said as she crossed her arms and looked down at her feet. "It'll be fine though, I mean, they're not gonna do anything, they're just a bunch of twats." Marlee said trying to relieve her cousin somehow.

"Just promise me one thing, Mo." Tris said looking her cousin straight in the eyes. "Promise me you'll run if things get bad. Don't try to be the hero. Protect yourself in every way that you can, but if things get tough, you run. You hear me?" Tris said with a serious facial expression.

"But what if-" Marlee started.

"There's no but's, Mo. You don't know these deatheaters and what they're capable of. Antonin Dolohov has been after me since day 1. He blew up my favorite coffee shop nearly hurting George and I plus, he helped torture Fred and I along with many other deatheaters. You don't know how to fight them like the twins and I do. That's why you either come find me or you run and you don't look back." Tris said trying to reason with Marlee and hoping she'd listen and wouldn't be hardheaded much like herself.

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