Once upon a rainy day

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Once upon a rainy day, there was a girl- so hopeless and lost... And a boy- whose life, full of tragedies. A missing game of a person, the fate played, brought them together -  only to separate them, forever.

Now there they are, in the middle of the forest, the sky, filled with dark ugly clouds, pouring down the rain, which is mixing with the tears sliding down their faces. Him, lying almost dead in her arms, her face, showing nothing but pure sadness and hurt, guilt, of not being able to help the boy she loved.

Though they saved the person responsible for bringing them together, they couldn't save him. Each passing second, is taking away a part of his life, slowly and painfully.

The deep wound caused by the knife that stabbed him, is lighter than the wound his heart is experiencing due to losing the only person he truly trusted and loved.

Their cries, being constrained in the deep woods of the big forest, no one can hear them, no one can help them, no one can save them.

Once upon a rainy day, there was a girl, so broken and hurt... And a boy, whose life- was snatched away from him. This unfair game of their fates, brought them together, only to break them apart- forever.

Once upon a rainy day...

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