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He held her close as she faced him with a blush and smile. He leaned in and gave her a small peck on the lip and backed away almost immediately. He kept gazing at her. She looked back up at him and caught his gaze. Though his lips are pretty, it is the feel of them that sends her consciousness into a sensual state of intoxication. That's why she reached for his face and touched them lightly before the urge to kiss him takes over .An instant desire for the other covered them. They smashed their lips as her hand ruffled through his hair pulling him close. He pulled her up and sloshed her back against the wall as her legs wrapped around his torso. He heard her let out a small whimper when her back met the wall. He pulled back to make sure he didn't hurt her. He felt a smile grow on his face as she lowered her head against his shoulder unwilling to meet his eyes. He let her down instead of continuing. "Shy? You know how to be shy?" he teased instead. He earned himself a scratch on his hand. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they gleefully walked over to the bed. He laid himself down and opened his arms for her. She didn't take much time to pounce on the guy she could now call hers. She hovered on top of him and ghosted his lips. She smiled as she straightened out a flick only to push it behind. She sat on his thighs and intertwined his fingers with hers.  A knock seperated them. 

She opened the door to find Jin at the doorstep looking worried. "Your reports. They're here" he said pointing at his phone. " We're going to check it with all of us?" she asked as he nodded in response. Jimin walked out with them. She took a seat by Namjoon on the couch and Jimin stood behind them. Jin sat by her other side. Yoongi and Hobi were laying on the opposite couch whereas the taekook duo sat glued to a set of chairs. A few swipes through the phone and a few frowns later. Namjoon laid his reading glasses aside and sighed. "She has a major deficiency of B12 and B3." he announced. "Vitamin D too" she added laying Jin's phone on the table. 

"Don't they give injections for B12 on the butt?" Jungkook said grinning in an evil way. "He's actually not wrong about this" Namjoon continued. "What about you two?" Jin asked. She raised an eyebrow. "You and Jimin" Jin explained. "She's mine" Jimin smiled brightly. "I thought you would tell him you love me" Yoongi said feigning hurt and ignorance. "Did the two of talk it out?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah I had enough of your teasing" Alesha retorted. " Okay so first up the B12 deficiency is probably what made me faint. Second, I need you guys to not drag me to the hospital because they would suggest admitting me in the hospital which I would ask you guys to not let happen." she continued. "Thirdly, she is procrastinating because she is shy" Jungkook interrupted. "Shut it" Jimin said. "Your protective boyfriend is online" Taehyung said making Hobi burst into laughter and resulting in Yoongi pushing him off the couch because he was taking too much space. 

Hobi rubbed his butt and mouthed an oww. She stretched an arm out to help hobi up which he accepted. " But, we need to get you treated. " Namjoon said. " Then I'll eat whatever is required. But no injections and getting me admitted to the hospital." She answered. " You'll need to eat non veg." Jin pointed. " I'll do it if I have to" she said making them surprised.

" You're that scared of injections?" Jimin asked. " No, but I don't like being seen" she answered. " Enough with the glum atmosphere. Go tell your family. Let's hear their thoughts as well." Jin said pushing her out of the way.

When she was out of sight they bombarded Jimin with questions. " You guys are biased. You ask me and not her" jimin pouted. " You brought this upon yourself" yoongi commented.
" Fine, she feels the same. " Jimin blushed. " Eww love made you soft" jungkook scrunched his nose. " It's not ew jungkook" namjoon said sternly. " Yeah because your password was Kim seokjin " yoongi retorted, making namjoon go silent. " Stop bullying us just because you dote on kookie" jin pointed. Yoongi smirked and leaned back into the couch. A chaotic hour of bickering later they decided to order something for dinner.

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