Chapter 19: Unforgettable

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—Ayato's P.O.V—

An ominous feeling grew throughout the room. Hisashi exited, leaving the Tenryou Commissioner and me alone.

As I sat down, face to face with Kujou Takayuki, silence filled the air. Warm aromatic tea was placed in front of us.

The Tenryou Commissioner cleared his throat in an attempt to break the silence. "As you have heard, Kujou Sara has fallen into a severe coma," he crinkled his nose as he massaged his temples.

"I've been informed that Miss Kujou Sara was likely to be poisoned."

"Are you familiar with an incident that happened fifteen years ago?" Takayuki took a sip of his tea, enjoying the bittersweet flavors of the warm comforting liquid.

Fifteen years ago...the time where I met y/n and later down the road my mother unexpectedly grew ill.

"An incident you say?" I spoke as my eyes landed on the tea in front of me.

Kujou Takayuki began explaining everything in detail, telling me how there was a group of treasure hoarders that discovered fluorescent fungus could be made into an undetectable clear poisonous sap.

The treasure hoarders teamed up with a few merchants that owned ships and were known to import goods to the nation.

During the time, the Shogun declared that the public shall not know what was going on within their country. It was not long until we found out that the fungus could be created into poison.

Many merchants and corrupt citizens bought the poisonous sap and used them in foods, drinks, and even medicine. They used the sap against prosperous citizens and other merchants to steal their wealth.

That's when the Kanjou Commission took action and was in charge of keeping track of Inazuma's exports and imports.

Many victims fell sick, some died and some survived. Since the poison was something new, doctors throughout the nation had no advanced medicine to cure the victims.

With the approval of the almighty Shogun, fluorescent fungus became banned from the general public.

"My mother..." I whispered.

"Your mother... was, unfortunately, one of the victims."

I grew quiet thinking back to the past on how I would blame both the Tenryou and Kanjou Commissioners for my parents' death when in reality they had nothing to do with it.

I soon began to recall my mother's slip of paper:
"T——K——planning to——danger—must infor—"

'T' as in Tenryou...
'K' as in Kanjou...or so I thought.

'T' stood for treasure hoarders and the 'K' stood for Kanjou. My mother wanted to inform something to the Kanjou Commissions.

Aside from my own problems, I asked the Tenryou Commissioner if Kujou Sara was poisoned by the fluorescent fungus, and to my surprise, he said no. Sara wasn't showing any symptoms of fungus poisoning.

"Rest assured, Yashiro Commissioner. The police department will thoroughly be investigating and the doctors will proceed with care."

Takayuki frowned, "Commissioner...I have a request."

"And what may that be?"

"Since Kujou Sara can no longer carry out nor aid our archon...would you allow Mrs. Kamisato to take over?"

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