Part 13 : To a Long Journey

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Sorry to you all for more than a month with no update. I have been busy with stuff and also procrastinating so yeah. Moving on

Please point out any mistakes and I hope you enjoy this chapter


It was soon to be morning even though the dark grey clouds covered the sky, pouring rain on the plains. My cloak and gloves were soaking wet but I didn't want to take them off even though it was rather uncomfortable. 

Although it was raining, people were still present in the street albeit running to avoid the rain. A majority were adventurers all heading towards the guild.

'Is something going on?'

I quickly headed to a nearby alley and deactivated my illusion magic before going towards the adventurers guild as well. The inside was packed with people. Usually it would be cramped but this time there was almost nowhere for you to go. Even on the next floor, I could see people line up around the railing looking down on the room. I went up to one adventurer to ask what was going on.

"Excuse me, do you know what's going on?"

"Hm? Oh, you must be a  newcomer. Well, It's nothing much really. It's just that when it's pouring outside, almost all the adventurer miraculously gather inside the guild. It's actually pretty funny if you think about it. Everyone's just here as usual, getting quests, some good food, learning about things in the library and the like." the adventurer answered

"Huh, I thought something serious was happening."

"Yeah, I guess people can look at it that way. Some people are still a bit spooked at the amount of adventurers that come to the guild. I'm sure you saw some queasy people on your way here."

"Well, thanks. Bye then." I said making my way through the crowd

I managed to make my way up to the only uncrowded area, the library. I found Philrei browsing through some books. Next to him was a girl who looked to be another adventurer. I walked up to see what they were up to.

"Hey, Philrei."

"Oh. Hi, Akane"

"So, gonna tell me what you're looking at and who she is?"

"Right! She's Lira , another adventurer. She's a swordsman like me."

"Hi, Akane was it? Nice to meet you. You must be Philrei's  adventuring partner." Lira greeted

"I guess you could say that, though we only worked together for one request. And, what are you two doing?"

"Well, I'm just studying up on...basically anything helpful that I can find for future ventures. I met her earlier after she had a bit of commotion with her party members. I brought her here to get her mind of it."

"She had trouble with her teammates? Why?"

"They said I was a hindrance and told me to leave and also told me to go fight weaker monsters then they might consider letting me back in." Lira says frustrated

"(well this is um.. something, uh how do I respond to this...) Uuh, don't worry you can still do good on your own."

"Thanks for the encouragement"

"Anyway, Akane, want to read up with us until the rain passes?"

"Mm, sure why not"

For a couple hours, the three of us wander around the library grabbing and reading any books that seem useful at a table. We mainly pick books concerning monsters. Both Lira and Philrei snatch general books about monsters while I focus my search on more spirit and magic related topics. 

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