Chapter 59

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                   "And you can't fight
             the tears that ain't coming."

"Have you got everything?" Jade asked, searching around the room for anything they had missed. Allison had came to an agreement with her dad, so was now moving back into their apartment. It was probably for the best that she moved back in, she had started getting a bit homesick.

"Yep. If not I can just drop round and collect it anyway," Allison threw her duvet into a box, squashing it down as much as she could. She couldn't say that she wouldn't miss staying here; it had been fun.

"Okay. Well, if you ever need a break from home for a few days, just pop round. It's no problem," the blonde said, firing a pair of shoes at her friend.


"Guys. Guys!" Melissa yelled. The teens jumped up, Jade landing on the floor at the noise. She'd slept at the end of her aunt's bed, Scott had taken the chair and Isaac and Max took the floor. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh... we were watching over you," Isaac said.

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice," Scott added. After one of the doctors had died yesterday, the third group of people was healers. They already had enough dead and absent parents in the family, there was no need to make that list longer.

"But you were all asleep?" Melissa questioned. Where was the logic there?

The three boys began to bicker, Jade flopping down onto the bed again. "I wasn't on watch last, I know that for a fact," she said, raising a hand in the air as Melissa played with the blonde's hair. That was something that both her mom and Melissa had done since she was a child. It was kind of like a comfort thing. Whenever she was stressed or bored, and she was lying down, the women played with her hair. It was soothing.

"I might've been on watch last. But we can just blame Max," Isaac shrugged his shoulders.

"Why blame me!"

"Because you're the easiest to blame," Isaac said. He dropped to the floor, dodging the pillow that had been thrown at him. At least it was an improvement from daggers.

"My heroes," Melissa laughed. "Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear."

"Yeah, but it could come under any kind of healer, mom. And you were definitely a healer last night," Scott commented. He was referring to when Danny had came into the ER with a collapsed lung.

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today. So, all four of you, get your butts to school," Melissa said, throwing the duvet over Jade. "Wait, shouldn't you two be careful then?" she asked, gesturing to her niece and nephew. "I mean, you both can heal people."

"I mean, most supernatural creatures can heal people. And we can take care of ourselves, don't worry," Max said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal two daggers.


"Go back to school," Derek sighed. Jade slid across the floors, launching herself onto the sofa. The loft was actually quite a fun place to be.

"Actually, we can't. Boyd, Jade and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick," Isaac said, throwing his bag onto the counter.

"With what, brain damage?"

Jade snorted, trying to keep a straight face and act as if that wasn't funny.

"Well, I have a migraine and Boyd has explosive diarrhoea," Isaac shrugged.

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