4- Rescuing Ochobot

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Terra didn't have time to heal Boboiboy cause if she did, her enemies will escape along with Ochobot and that is the LAST thing she ever wanted to happen.

She couldn't split unlike Boboiboy but that doesn't mean she won't fight, she could feel her friend's fear from where she was standing, the girl understand they were scared but she was silently hopping to at least help her.

Bora Ra have looked at the girl in amusement, the element should have at least a scratch on her cheek after the shelter had collapsed on her yet he didn't found a single one.

The muscular alien had gotten back onto his feet and glared at the element in front of him with rage, none of them made a move yet which was a bit tense for Terra.

A couple of seconds had passed and the girl decided to make the first move.

"Earth Contain!!!" Terra quickly punched the ground hard, creating as large earth pillars emerged around Gaga Naz, the top rocks then bended down, making the alien now trapped inside like what Quake did before.

Unfortunately, the alien wasn't trap for long. Gaga Naz had used his blasters to destroy the pillars with ease. Glaring at the girl once more before blasting lasers at her which Terra had quickly tried to avoid it, in the end.

It failed miserably because of how the lasers kept on bending and following her, like what happened to Cyclone earlier. Terra had unintentionally gotten herself hit by the lasers and caused a big explosion.

"Y/n!! We can't just stand here and do nothing! We gotta help!!" Yaya exclaimed, making her other friends nod in agreement and quickly went to the earth element's aid.

Terra had forced herself to stand, holding an hand on her left arm due to it slightly bleeding and made a quick healing to it. The girl froze when she saw shadows looming over her small form, reluctantly looking up only to see the muscular alien standing over her figure with Bora Ra standing beside his companion.

"An Elemental Bender?" Bora Ra questioned quizzically, his words made Terra frown in confusion. Why does that sound awfully familiar to her? She couldn't place a finger on how that word was so familiar.

'E-Elemental.... Bender? Does... He know something that i don't?....'

"And here i thought it was a dumb myth" The leader jeered, looking at Gaga Naz before walking away and said. "Take her"

Terra gasped, she quickly tried to back away yet she kept sliding down on the small crater that the explosion had made.

Just before the muscular alien will grab the earth element, Yaya had flied towards the alien while leaving some pink trail behind her.

"Impact Punch!" She yelled before quickly punching the alien's metal claw away and swiftly carried Terra away from them, Gaga Naz glared at the gravity manipulator in anger before hearing someone yell.

"Hey Bad Guy!!" Ying had jumped up high in the air before leaping towards the alien.

"Rapid Kicks!!" She yelled, because of her speed. Ying manage to kick the muscular alien followed by more as Gopal had also joined the fight.

"Food blasts!" Gopal stopped a few feet away from Gaga Naz, shooting at the alien with green energy blasts which it the metal claws shockingly didn't turn to food.

The three heroes had continued to either kick, punch or blast the muscular alien, Gaga Naz was starting to get annoyed by all of this at the same time having some difficulties on blocking all they're attacks.

"Let me transform Captain!" Gaga Naz firmly asked, taking a glance at Bora Ra who just crossed his arms— looking unamused by all of this.

"There's no need" He said before producing a small black hole, then throws it onto the ground which then grows as a suction force mixed with a magnetic force that can inhale anything into its center.

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