Miscarriage N.R

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TW: Miscarriage, shouting

Your POV
I was waiting in the hospital, going through my life decision. What has caused it to go downhill? Everyone here was at least with someone yet I was here alone.

I have been having some discomfort around my stomach and knowing that I have been having some difficulty during my pregnancy, I knew it was not a good sign.

With one last try, I decided to text Nat.


Nat, can you accompany me to the doctors?

Why did you message me?

I thought I told you not to disturb me at work?

I know, but I really wanted your support.
And everyone here is with their partners.

So? They probably booked an appointment.
You just decided to go without telling me.

This is the A&E
No one makes an appointment
And I seriously think something's wrong with our child

You're making a big deal over nothing.
Stop finding me during work.

I sighed as I set down my phone. Nat changed during the last few months of the pregnancy. At the beginning, she was really kind and attentive but she started to drift away and focus on work. Even when she's back, we hardly have any conversation.

"Ms Y/L/N."

The doctor called my name and I stood up.

"I'm sorry, but there appears to be no heartbeat."

"What?" I wasn't sure if I heard correctly.

"Sorry for your loss, your child has passed. I'll start with the papers to get you admitted for induced labour. Do you have anybody to call?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, I'll give you a moment."

This was it, my child died before I got to hold them in my arms. I looked towards my belly for one last time. "I'm sorry I couldn't be a better mum, I couldn't give you the future you deserve. Something must be wrong with mummy that's why you had to suffer. I'm so sorry..." My bottom lips quivered as I caressed my belly, the overwhelming feeling of loss was beginning to get to me as I let the tears flow down my cheeks.

I was still sobbing when the doctor returned. "I'm sorry." I wiped my tears with the back of my hands.

"No, it's okay. I'm here to guide you to your ward."

--- >after labour<

I was laying on the hospital bed after birth. Thanks to the nurses and doctors, I was able to hold him in my arms at least once. He was so tiny at 5 months. They had to do the birth and death certificates as I remained in the ward.

They told me I was only allowed to discharge the next day since they needed to make sure everything was fine and there were no other complications.

I woke up from my nap by the ringing on my phone. I stretched over to pick up the phone and it was Wanda.


Hi Wanda.

Oh my god, Y/N!
You finally picked up your phone.
Where have you been?
I've been trying to call you for hours!
We were all so worried.
Where are you?

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