Chapter 1: Tomorrow

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Disclaimer: Some of the contents and story written doesn't belong to me but belong to SoundBlastersuperior . While it similar to his story, the plot is the only difference between his story and mine.

Location: Unknown

In an unknown dimension, a figure was laying on a couch holding his IPhone██ , watching Vanoss and friends' youtube videos.

???: Sign, I'm bored. There's nothing even excited to the gang right now, I need to think something very exciting for them. Hmmm...

Like what the unknown person says, he was practically bored. The crew were doing nothing but playing games, of course their content is still awesome but he feels something lacking, something more fun.

???: 😑 Hmmm... maybe I do have something in mind.

So right now, he was looking for someway to get the crew. That one having been narrowed down to finding a world to teleport the Vanoss crew into, and watch the chaos unfold, whether they succeeded or suffered.

After using the forbidden written book of fictions that was built between magic and technology, the book has the ability to write something from the real world to the fictional realms, after picking something in his mind, the unknown person had finally found the perfect world, something no one from the Vanoss crew expect, something so twisted, so dark, but knowing them, I'd be fun see what they would do in order make it through the upcoming storm in the next couple of years, or rather, how they would see to the survival of this world's inhabitants.

???: Hmm, maybe I should transport only 7 of them, the other crew besides the seven were either not belong anymore or that I didn't subscribe their channel, whatever I should write this.

Writing in the oversized book for a few moments, the person finally stops.

???: Ah, perfect. Sorry Soundblastersuperior, but I need some of your writing contents for mine.

The person said with a small grin, ready to send his favorite youtubers there at the moment's notice.

???: Hehehe, thinking about the whole thing makes me laugh! Hehehehe...HAHAHAHAHA!!!

*Door creaks*

???: (0_0) ( >_>)

Leader: ಠ_ಠ

???: °_°

Leader: What the hell are you doing here, Erik? You knew this is a restriction area unless giving permission, right?

Erik: Uhhh... (<_< ;) (; >_>) ... (°o°) Hey leader, there is a baby blue hippo behind you!

Leader: (<o< ) Really??

Looking behind, he spotted a baby blue hippo in the halls roaming around.

Leader: (<_< ) Wow, there really is a baby blue hippo, how did it got there? ( >_>)

Returning his attention to Erik, there was no sign of him.

Leader: What the?

Erik: YEET!

*Glass breaks*

Jumping through the window, destroying it, as he made it outside he was at 12 story high above ground level, however, he wasn't afraid as he raise his arms and fall towards a fountain Assassin's creed style.


Then suddenly, he can't move, stuck in mid air.

Erik(Thoughts): What the? Did Time has stopped? Dio? Jotaro? J. Jonah Johnson? Wait, everything is not black and white, so that means.....

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