Just leave them be, cause they're more afraid of you.

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I have suspicions that the guy that killed me, could possibly be related to me.

I mean.

He has the same dark brown hair.

He has the same skin color as me.

And I found a picture of a person that could possibly be me and I was next to a tall man and a beautiful woman.

I think they're my parents.

But the man looks like the guy who killed me.




I was just wondering around, when I get pulled to the side by Susie (one of the dead children)

She said that she found a mysterious hole in the wall.

And that another version of her appeared.

Then other versions of everyone else (the MCI children) appeared.

I was interested to I followed her.

It turns out that she was telling the truth.

The other versions of my friends said that I don't exist in their world.

Or maybe I do, but I'm a little different and they might not know me.

Then the Alt version of Fritz mentioned that I looked like some guy name "William Afton."

Then the Alt version of Charlie said that William Afton isn't his real name, it's "David William Miller."

Then I was even more interested.

Because "David William Miller" was what had appeared as one of the missing children in 1944.

Then Alt Charlie added that I did look like him. She said that she saw a baby picture of "Dave" (David William Miller) in her papa's bedroom.

I'm guessing that Alt Charlie's last name is also Emily. So I guess it would make sense that he would be bffs with this Dave guy and that's why he has his baby photos.

Or else it would be weird.

I asked the Alts what role did "Dave" have in their world.

They got a little depresso espresso and said in a quite voice that...


They said that "Dave"...

Was their murderer.

I forgot my name again. (a FNAF au)Where stories live. Discover now