20: Library Duty

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Cameron: Well that sucks, you didn't even win.

Seth: Turns out I didn't. But they say a tie but it's a lose still.

Tyler: I'm surprised to hear you put effort into something.

Seth: Honestly, same. Not sure what went over me.

Cameron: Well it's more surprising you did sports.

Seth: Yeah my parents were athletic so they put it in me.

Tyler: So you're actually pretty cool huh.

Seth: I don't know about that.

Cole: HEY GUYS!!!

Tyler: What's wrong Cole?

Cole: Can one of you cover for me for library duty?

Tyler: Why can't you do it?

Cole: My sister has something today so I have to leave right after.

Seth: I could do it. I got nothing.

Cole: Thank you!

Cameron: What does your sister do?

Cole: She has a piano recital.

Seth: Oh cool.

Cole: Yeah she makes me sit through it so I wanna be there.

Cameron: Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it.


Seth and Cameron sit in the library.

Seth: When did he do library stuff?

Cameron: Ever since he needed service hours.

Seth: Makes sense.

Tyler: Hey guys. Seems empty no?

Seth: I mean the bell rang like a couple minutes ago. Maybe people are just getting their stuff.

Cameron: Nah, people don't read anymore. This will be an easy quiet day for us he-

The door opens as a flood of people walk in. Some pulls board games out and play, some sit doing homework, and some pull books down and read.

Cameron: Looks like I jinxed that one.

Seth: No kidding.

???: It's normally like this after the end of the day.

The three boys turn around to see a girl sitting in a chair reading a book. She wore purple glasses and had dark black hair. It was a contrast to her pale skin. She wore their school uniform.

Seth: Um, who are you?

???: I'm Olivia Leroy. I have third and fifth period with you.

Seth: Oh, you do. Sorry.

Olivia: It's ok.

Seth: I'm Seth Walker.

Olivia: I know. I sit next to you in third period.

Seth: Oh. . . Sorry again.

Olivia: It's ok.

Cameron: *Whispering* So this is two quiet kids talking huh?

Tyler: Must be.

Seth: So why are you here?

Olivia: I have Library Duty as well. I believe Cole Reyes was assigned to do it today it, but he's not here.

Cameron: Yeah he had a family thing today we were here to fill in his place. We're his friends.

Tyler: Sorry if we don't know what to do though.

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