The Ministry of Magic

697 30 13

Weow it's been a while, hasn't it.... enjoy the next update :)

Hari summoned her broom as she reached the door of the castle. She took a last glance behind her as she sped towards the gates to Hogsmeade, worried for those she was leaving behind. She didn't have a choice though. She had to get to Sirius. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was, but least of all this.

She reached the gates, flew through them, and felt the presence on her mind grow heavier.

She opened the connection again, #Where to?#

"Fly south, towards London, fast as you can." The weight said.

And so she turned her broom around and took off. She knew it would take several hours, several hours cramped unmoving onto her broom.

It wasn't long before it began to pour, dammit, she took her glasses off her dripping face and pulled her soaked hair out of her vision.

She shivered as she flew, hands clenched frozen to her broom, body stiff, she couldn't have looked behind her even if she wanted to.

After what felt like several years, the lights of London came into view, growing in size as she reached them until they became a twinkling map far below her in the blackness. The weight appeared in her mind again.

"Down now, head towards that square."

Hari pointed her broom towards the patch of green so far below her. She leaned her body forwards, speeding down through the air.

She landed softly, shoes touching the wet grass. She stood in the middle of an empty square, four roads skirted it. She flicked her wand and her broom shrunk into her hand. Placing it in her pike she asked, #Where do I go from here?#

"Left." Hari turned and walked down the road, wand gripped tightly under her jacket. She felt like someone was watching her but turning all around, she saw no one.


She paused, foot in mid-air, before realizing she could put it down. She was standing in a dark street with heavily graffitied walls. Before her was an old red telephone box, which was missing several panes of glass.

#Where now?"

"Into the box of course."

#A phone box? You wanted me to make a call for you?#

The image of Sirius flashed across her mind again with an angry "Don't test me."

Hari stepped into the box and the mental pressure disappeared.

"Dial six two four four two then a voice is going to speak, you won't be able to hear it so just repeat what I say."

Harry reached to the receiver, remembering something Sirius had told her a while back, a while back, about how the visitor's entrance telephone box was being annoying and sending direct messages of all visitors to his desk rather than where they were supposed to be going. She wondered if he had gotten that fixed yet, not that that mattered, he wasn't at his desk.

She dialled the numbers on the pad and waited for Voldemort to tell her what to say.

"Say my name is Hari Potter and I am here to retrieve property of mine."

#) My name is Hari Potter and I am here to retrieve property of mine. (#

There was a moment pause and then a badge slid out of the shoot where change would be returned from on a normal phone booth. Hari picked it up, reading the front which said Hari Potter, property retrieval.

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