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Today marked the first time you woke up not worrying about your complicated relationship with Dolores, because you had already had it figured out last night.

When Dolores said she wanted to be friends with you again, you didn't hesitate taking her up on that offer, after all, it's better than nothing.

You looked forward to the playful pranks that the two of you used to do on each other. Oh, how you missed those days.


And it was obvious that you did, for the next month, the two of you would cause havoc all over the town from your bickering.

You unconsciously used that as a way to catch up to the condition of your friendship before you started to develop feelings for her.

Some of your pranks probably went too far, and they would go down in history as some of the stupidest and most reckless things ever done by humans.

One of these pranks resulted in a section of Dolores' street had to be guarded 24/7 by a family member because of a misunderstanding, courtesy of you. You had snuck out at night to go to Dolores' house and take her sandals, and when you were passing by that street, an old lady turned out to still be awake, and mistook you for a burglar. You made a quick escape after that, but you can't help but think you changed that poor old woman's life.

Dolores wasn't short of any of these stories either. One time, when she went to prank you by doing something with your paint, her details were a bit foggy on what the prank was, so you couldn't really be sure what it was, she accidentally kicked a can of red paint, and spilled it over her feet and the floor. For the whole week, Dolores still had the red pigment on her feet, and according to her parents, it was a nightmare for them to remove.

For the entirety of the month, that became your goal, to make the other person's life absolutely miserable.


The pranks started to slow down, because you were both getting close to each other again, and you didn't even remember the fight once you had already spent a long time pranking her.

Back when the construction started, every time you thought about Dolores, you were thinking of the fight and how you could possibly fix the friendship. But now that you don't have to worry about the fight anymore, every time you think of Dolores, you think of the next stupid yet funny thing you could do to her.

You and Dolores decided to meet up at the road that led to the construction site from your house.

The meet up was supposed to be for a pact that the two of you decided on. You decided to end the prank war with peace, and not violence.

You stood on opposite sides of the crack in the middle of the street, it wasn't as much of an inconvenience as the Casíta, so the town collectively decided to focus on the Casíta.

Once you both finalized the pact, you were both at ease knowing that you didn't have to worry about anyone breaking in your house in the middle of the night.


It was now the next day, you had just finished breakfast, and are now sitting comfortably on the mattresses in the living room because they replaced your couch once the Madrigals arrived.

"You two are getting along so well, I noticed." Isabela sat across you on the mattress, your parents were still cleaning the dishes so you still had time to talk with each other.

"Who?" You were confused, you were half awake when you heard her so you didn't fully understand.

"She meant you and Dolores, doofus." Mirabel hit your shoulder with her elbow.

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