Interdimensional Travelers and Strange Healers

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May 14th, 2022
Saturday AM

I have been taking vitamins b6, b12, and magnesium. The b vitamins are known to help with vivid dreams and they are working.

Dream #1: Strange Healers

I dreamed I had to pass through a room full of hundreds of wasps though I didn't get stung. After some people did a strange medical exam on me. One put their fingertips to mine and took my pain. I warned them it was a lot of pain. Another was listening to my body parts, I didn't recognize it (Not a normal body part anyway). They were twanging it and listening to it. Someone told him to be careful.

Dream #2: Evil Grandma from VC Andrews, "Flowers in the Attic"

I was on the computer and the evil grandma came up to me and was angry at me for playing video games. I lied and said I wasn't and she left.

Dream #3: Real Grandma's Appearance

While pondering the dream about the evil grandma, I sat on a couch. Across from me, my real grandma was sitting there. She looked old like I remembered her before she died. We didn't speak.

Dream #4: Interdimensional Travelers, Telepaths, and Pig People

A man in black with a black cap on his head appeared in my house. On his cap was a photo of who he cherished the most. I felt sad because I didn't have anyone to wear me on their cap. I knew right away he was an interdimensional and time traveler. He saw me and hurried and left. He went through the bottom of my closet and started to disappear through the wall. I grabbed his arm pleading I could join him because I've had time slips and would fit right in. He didn't pull away, but when I let go of his arm he jerked it away in anger. After he left I discovered 3 people with pig heads in my basement. They were talking in pig, squealing to each other. I didn't let them see me. The dream shifted from a house to a smaller house (trailer). An older man visited me. He looked normal. I could hear thoughts in my head and asked if it was him. He smiled and said it was from people walking around doing security checks. I went into the kitchen and the guy appeared from earlier. He dressed more military-style but still in black. He had a helmet that resembled a motorcycle helmet. When he spoke, he had 3 tongue piercings and had an Australian accent. He asked me to get him the biggest knife I could find. I got him a butcher knife and he went after one of the pig people. He came back injured and I let him lay on my couch. The telepath came back and told me to get rid of him. He couldn't stand being in the same room as the injured time traveler guy and vomited and ran into the back room.  The injured guy's friend came in and found he was not doing well but he would survive. The telepath begged me to get rid of them. I told him what happened and they would leave soon. I thought it would be rude to kick them out but I felt bad for the sick telepath. One of the pig people came up with a weapon. He made pig noises at me. I held up my hands letting him know I was neutral. He was looking for the time travelers. The traveler hid behind the wall and shot the pigman with the weapon. I tried to get information out of them but it was classified. I gave them two small wine bottles and they gulped them down eagerly. The guys said the injured guy sometimes wears me on his cap. I was surprised because we hardly knew each other. Maybe he was trying to be nice. The dream ended.

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