《 A new Ally or Enemy? 》

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(M/n) stretched his arms over his head, grunting in satisfaction when he heard his bones pop.

Shaking them out a bit, (M/n) ran an (S/c) hand through his (H/c) (H/c) locks. "It's been a while since I've been in the overworld. Maybe five hours? No clue because time is different in the end," he sighed.

The (H/c)ette covered his eyes by placing his forearm on top of his forehead. "Why does it have to be so fucking bright? Oh yeah, the sun," he angrily grumbled while entering the brightness of the world.

An angry huff left his lips as he blinked several times so that he could adjust to the sudden brightness that had slapped him right in the face.

Pulling the hood over his head, he started to walk forward, hoping to find someone he knew.

"Lani told me to follow in the direction towards...East? South? And I should be able to find a group of people that I know." (M/n) stared at his surroundings.

An irk mark then appeared on his forehead. "And she forgot that I have horrible direction, damn it."

Shaking his head due to the forgetfulness of the Goddess that he had met during his revival, he lowered his arm towards a sheathed blade on his hip.

His (E/c) hues gleamed and glitched over to a single eye of ender before turning normal.

He snapped his eyes up towards the sky and gave a toothy grin. "Looks like my adopted father and I are a winged duo," he laughed lightly while remembering Phil.

Placing a foot forward, the sound of snow crunching under pressure was heard.

"If Lani was directing me to where my family is at, she's both smart and stupid at the same time...but smarter."

A light hum then left his lips.

"Should I fly or just casually walk?" He thought out loud.

A pair of dragon wings slipped out from their hiding place underneath the cloak and expanded to their full length.

(M/n) gave his wings a scolding look before smiling as he flapped his wings once he was finished stretching them out a bit.

"Flying it is," he murmured before allowing himself to be lifted from the ground with the help of his wings.

A dizzy spell slammed into him but he ignored it.

'Time to find those idiots.'

The (H/c)ette flew in one of the directions that Lani had given him, not caring if he went the wrong way.

Ranboo glanced at the necklace that Phil had just given him.

He was clueless about why it was glowing all of a sudden.

His eyes darted in the direction of Phil's short figure. "And you have no idea why this suddenly started glowing?" He asked with a raised brow, his heterochromia eyes gleaming with unsureness.

Phil shook his head sadly. "When Wilbur was revived, it started to glow, and it hasn't stopped yet." The blonde answered.

Ranboo bit the inside of his cheek as he stared at the necklace even closer. "Have you ever considered dad being part of a different hybrid?" He questioned.

Phil pursed his lips and nodded his head. "Sometimes. When he was younger, it was as if he held this royal aura around him. Even mobs were scared of him. I honestly thought he was a wither skeleton hybrid, but that wasn't true at all." He answered honestly.

The heterochromia-eyed male clutched the necklace into a fist making sure that it didn't break.

"Do you think that dad was an ender dragon? From what I barely remember, Dream always seemed scared and intimidated by him," Ranboo mumbled.

Phil blinked in surprise before slamming his fist onto an open palm. "Ender dragons are fucking royalty! How did I never think of that? That's why he said he was an enderman when he was younger!" He groaned out at his stupidity.

Ranboo nervously laughed at the blonde's inner turmoil with himself.

Phil then shook his head and looked up at the taller male with a smile. "Maybe since Wil is alive, (M/n) is alive. Wilbur did say he remembered that the Goddess of Death had grabbed him so Dream couldn't take him into his grasp." He points out.

Ranboo gave a thoughtful look as he held his diary closer to his chest. "Maybe," he whispered with a small frown on his lips.

A loud whoosh was heard before two blades clinging echoed a bit.

Phil was standing in front of Ranboo, coming face to face with a person that had surprised them.

Snow had flown upwards along with snow from tree branches that had fallen right on top of them.

"Who are you? And why did you attack us?" Phil rudely asked.

Ranboo's eyes widened when he saw a grin slip onto the cloaked figure's lips.

The cloaked male moved his hidden face closer to the blades.

"Oh, just an old friend." The figure snickered.

Phil narrowed his eyes as he made sure that the cloaked figure stayed away from him and Ranboo.

Ranboo's eyes widened a bit when he saw the familiar gleam of (E/c) that decided to glow underneath the hood's darkness.

"Are you an ally or an enemy to the Syndicate?" Phil asked.

This seemed to amuse the figure as they pushed Phil back with a movement of their foot before landing on a branch above the duo.

"It depends. Do you see me as an enemy? Or do you see me as an ally? It's all up to you," the figure replied in a teasing tone.

"Dad?" Ranboo piped up with a light mumble.

Phil's body froze when he heard Ranboo speak up.

The cloaked figure swung downwards, making sure their legs were locked to the branch.

The hood seemed to float downwards to the ground which showed the figure's (E/c) hues.

Phil reached a shaking hand and took the hood off of the figure.

The familiar face of (M/n) peered back with a teasing grin on his lips as he waved.

"Hi dad, Boo."


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