Chapter 24 - USJ: Unforeseen Support

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"When one relies on something too much, they become weak, vulnerable, imbalanced."

【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

A/N: Okay, before any of you shit on me for Izuku's fighting style, remember, Izuku is NOT Gilgamesh. He isn't as good as Gil in using the GoB because he didn't spend all his ten months learning the proper technique of shooting out fucken' explosive weapons. Keep in mind that he also got trained by the King of Glutto— er, Artoria, so he will be going melee sometimes instead of just spamming GoB, okay?

By the way, if you're expecting Izuku to win every battle, remember that everyone has a weakness and that the mc loses every once and a while.

【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

(Izuku Pendragon's POV)

"It's no use, Hero Prince. If you want to really damage Nomu, you'd be better off— You know what, I'll leave that for you to figure out..." That damned shabby villain snickered.

The monster that Shigaraki called a Nomu rushed towards me again, reeling its arm back for an explosive punch. I quickly jumped back to create some distance and immediately sent a barrage of weapons toward the Nomu while it was still running at me. My weapons hit it and the area around it all at the same time.

 My weapons hit it and the area around it all at the same time

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"Hmph. Troublesome beast," I whispered, perceiving the little harm my attack caused.

When the dust settled, I saw a trail of blood all over the ground leading to the Nomu blown back a few meters from my strike. Its arms were in a defensive position before it abandoned the stance as the deep wounds and large rips in its body started to heal very quickly.

'What a powerful regeneration Quirk... But not just that, its strength is immense— almost as powerful as All Might. Could this thing be the result of human experimentation?'

"Hah... hahaha..." Shigaraki chuckled menacingly. "Nomu is a super-powered living sandbag designed to withstand everything All Might can throw at it."

"If that beast can withstand just All Might's power, I'll simply tear it apart!" I roared, lunging at the Nomu— my blade bearing down on its vile, exposed brain.

As I anticipated, it didn't back down as the Nomu let its head be split in half so it could throw another powerful punch at me. Before its giant black arm could connect, I ducked under it, spun around, and struck its legs by the knee, relieving them of the Nomu's weight.

The Nomu dropped to the ground without the support of its legs. It bought some time to regenerate by grabbing my waist and throwing me as far away as possible. I quickly broke my fall with the proper form before I stood up and dusted myself off.

"It's Shock Absorption won't work on that sword! Why?!" Shigaraki exclaimed with clenched fists.

"I'd always thought... that human experimentation is so atrocious." I glare at the Nomu and Shigaraki with a deep fury. "Once I eviscerate this Nomu, I'm coming for you, Shigaraki, and the one who disgraced this corpse."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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