Chapter 31

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Phantom's perspective:

My doll was as ready as she could be for the procedure. We had a lovely dinner with her favorite foods. She was also incredibly clingy all night, not that I'm complaining. We came back to our room and she dressed in one of my undershirts and some athletic shorts. She made the bed comfortable for herself and now she lays here waiting for the doctor to come.

I sit next to her on the bed and gently stroke her hair and smile at each other. No words are spoken but none need to be spoken. Just my baby and me getting ready to spend forever with each other.

A few minutes pass and the doctor is let in by Aleck. He sees y/n "I see you're prepared. Are you two ready for this?" He asks while sitting on a chair I set next to the bed for him. We both nod and he starts sanitizing an area for the injection. He continues speaking, "this is going to knock you out for about 23 to 25 hours and then you will be just like Phantom." He pauses and places a device on her arm and looks up at me. "This device will let you monitor her vitals on your phone while she sleeps. Now, are you ready Princess y/n?"

She nods "yes I am ready".

The doctor nods and pulls out his instruments. I turn my love's attention to me "alright doll everything is going to be ok I'm going to be in the room until you wake up and I promise to take care of you until you feel like yourself again." She lets out a quiet 'thank you.' I kiss her forehead as I hear her let out soft whimpers as the formula starts moving throughout her arm.

Her whimpers stop and the doctor starts packing the stuff up. "Let me know when she wakes up and if anything changes in her condition."

I stay looking at my doll "I will thank you, doctor". He leaves and now it's a waiting game...

For the next twenty-two hours, I cycle between working at the table in our room, admiring y/n, and walking around all while watching her vitals on my phone. She didn't move the entire time which I was told is normal but still felt haunting to me. At twenty-two hours and thirty minutes after the injection, I sit back down at my desk and stare at my phone, watching. All of a sudden I hear her take a deep breath and whisper "Phantom?"

I jump out of my seat and rush over to her. She is still lying down but her eyes are open and she has a soft smile when she sees me. "Hey, there baby. How are you?" I ask while sitting down.

"I feel strange and a bit in pain." She says quietly.

I nod and send a quick text to the doctor, "well I'm just happy you're awake." She smiles and I kiss her cheek softly. Y/n grabs my hand and holds it softly in her softer ones. A few minutes later the doctor comes back in with his briefcase.

"Good morning Princess Y/n, how are you feeling?"

"A bit of pain but too bad." She says with a soft smile. The doctor nods and comes over and takes out the monitoring device. He scans her with an instrument. I don't know what it does but it doesn't seem to be hurting her so I let him, no questions asked.

"Everything looks good, call me if anything changes. Your pain will go away in a few days."

He packs up and leaves after giving me some medicine for her pain.

I smile at my doll thinking, "she's immortal and I'm about to marry her."

Phantom's Girlfriend (Natewantstobattle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now