body language

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Jungkook finished wiping down the tattoo chairs and began pouring out the many colorful ink-filled caps that were left out. Jimin presumed they were from Jungkook's appointment that he mentioned he'd had before their lesson tonight. Jungkook then cleaned the basin and put the bottles of tattoo ink back in their respective spots on the shelf.

"All done," Jungkook announced once he had completed his closing duties. "Have you had dinner yet?"

"Does a granola bar count?" Jimin wondered with a giggle.

"Definitely not," he chuckled.

By now, it was a quarter past ten. Jimin had back-to-back classes before Jungkook's lesson, so there wasn't any time to eat an actual meal. He could hear his stomach growling and hoped Jungkook wasn't able to hear it too.

"I could make us some ramen," Jungkook proposed. "I know it's not much, but..."

Jimin smiled. "I'm always down for ramen." He picked up his car keys from the coffee table and started to walk towards the door. However, Jungkook was walking to the back of the shop, approaching a spiral staircase. "Where're you going?"

"I live upstairs," Jungkook replied, pointing above him.

"Oh," said Jimin, a bit surprised. "You made it seem like you were gonna close down and then go home."

"Yeah, I don't really tell many people about my living situation," he disclosed. "I'm kind of embarrassed."

"Don't be. It's convenient."

"I'm pretty sure that's the only perk," he laughed awkwardly. "Living here is the reason I rejected your offer at first."

"So what made you accept?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I don't know. I guess you gave me the impression of being nonjudgmental. And I didn't think you'd take no for an answer."

He nodded and giggled. "You read me right."

It filled Jimin with a warm, fuzzy feeling that Jungkook saw him as a nonjudgmental person. Him viewing Jimin the way he viewed himself left his heart fluttering. In his book, Jimin believed he'd never criticize someone's personal life. Unless they were a murderer or something horrible like that. Then he'd criticize them into next week.

Jimin followed Jungkook up the steps. As they were heading upstairs, Jungkook apologized for how it looked, calling it a "dingy, shit-hole room." The staircase eventually led to a small studio apartment, which, in reality, wasn't half bad. Jimin deduced that all Jungkook needed was some artwork on the walls to liven up the place (and to cover the water damage).

Gesturing to the dining table, Jungkook told Jimin to have a seat while he put a pot of water on the stove. He turned the heat on high to make it boil faster. Next, Jungkook informed Jimin that he was going to quickly change out of his clothes, citing that he felt gross from tattooing and dancing all day.

While Jungkook was changing, Jimin observed the surroundings that encompassed him. He first noticed the bookshelf. Mainly, it contained books about art. Makes sense, Jimin thought. After all, he was an artist. But what he couldn't understand was why Jungkook didn't have his or someone else's artwork displayed on the walls. 

Perhaps he hasn't had the time. Earlier, when Jungkook was cleaning, he mentioned he's only been living in the Hongdae area for around three months. The previous owner of the studio was moving to London, and because he needed to sell the building as fast as possible, he gave Jungkook a good deal. Anyway, with being in Seoul for a mere three months, Jimin fathomed that that was the reason behind the lack of decor.

The bookshelf included regular novels as well. One specific book that caught Jimin's eye was Call Me By Your Name-a staple in queer literature. Jungkook also had the sequel Find Me beside it.

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