Chapter - 38{Velzard Confrontation}

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Third Person Pov

"You have a death wish. Don't you"

Rimuru replied to Guy. His eyes flashed with coldness as the temperature around him suddenly dropped.

Rimuru's sharp eyes looked uninterested in him. As he turns his head a little in his right direction.

"How long are you planning to hide there. I didn't have all day... You know?"

As Rimuru's voice faded a girl— no she no longer looks like a teenage girl rather she looks like a fully mature woman with an alluring body.

Her snow-white hair fluttered in the air as her golden eyes shine brightly, even the sun looks dim in comparison.

Is she is an angle... No even angle isn't this beautiful’

Rimuru thought to himself completely oblivious of other things. The cold demeanor of Rimuru was shaken up a little.

Her body didn't even release a few magicules. She looks like a completely normal human, but Rimuru and Guy are the ones who know best just how terrifying she really is.

From their last encounter Rimuru's power increases a lot.

Even he, himself was quite shocked at the speed of his growth. A Demon Lord, primordial demons, and even a True dragon soul will be destroyed by the sudden increase in power but Rimuru was completely fine.

It's all because of Ciel. He is not alone anymore.

He is alone comparable to two True Dragons. Two highest tire divine spirits.

He and Ciel.

After devouring Velgrind and Chaos Dragon his power increases a lot, not to mention he is evolving every second because of «Turn Null»... But even so, Rimuru is not confident in beating Velzard.

That's just how terrifying she really is.

The reason he didn't confront Guy earlier and even didn't let Diablo confront him was also because of Velzard's presence.

He sensed her a long time ago. That's why he was very cautious during the whole chaos.

It's also the reason that earlier he didn't able to stop Hinata in time. But now all the chaos has settled and all that's left is Guy and the Ice Empress.

"Judging by your reaction you didn't even know she was flowing you. Did you"

Rimuru asked Guy a little cautiously. He is confident in beating Guy even without going all out but the “True Dragon” called Velzard is a little too much to handle even for Rimuru.

Not to mention Guy Crimson is also here.

<<Report. The analysis of Ultimate Skills «Hope King Sariel» and «Space-time King Yog-Sothoth» has been completed>>

Amid all this chaos Ciel gave the good news to Rimuru. All the data collected from both Ultimate Skills was put directly into «Azathatoh's» sub-skill «Spacetime Domination» and «Multi-dimensional barrier» to be more specific.

Rimuru's eyes meet with a pair of another golden eye.


His heart skip a beat as he looked at her. She is a beauty beyond words. Rimuru already noticed this in the Demon Lord meeting but he was too busy saving his life to comment on her beauty.

Velzard also looked a little surprised she didn't expect that Rimuru will able to notice her presence.

‘Seems like my assumption was correct he is just using a weaker body’ or so she thought.

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