short sleeves

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"Yejun, you hold that needle pose for four counts," informed Jimin. "Don't fall out of it."

"Sorry, Mr. Park," she apologized. "'My hands are sweaty."

"Dry them on your pants before going into it."

She nodded, and Jimin started the music from the beginning, having his class run the routine one final time that evening. There were a few errors, but his students are only human, so mistakes are bound to happen. Especially since the choreography was fairly new. Overall, they did well tonight. He gave the class some final suggestions prior to releasing them.

With Taehyung sick, Eunha had to come to the studio right after school today. She'd been sitting in his office watching cartoons on Jimin's laptop while he was teaching. He taught a class during her usual dinner time; however, Hoseok was thankfully free and able to bring her food. He also sat and ate with her so she wouldn't be alone. Jimin felt bad he couldn't join them, but Eunha loves her Uncle Hobi just as much as Uncle Tae-the one she ate dinner with on most days. He didn't have to worry about her being lonely.

Jungkook had texted Jimin earlier to tell him that he wouldn't be in class that evening due to a last-minute booking. He tried to hand off the appointment to Yoongi or Jisoo, but they both were fully booked. Jungkook assured Jimin he would be present for their lesson though.

It's okay if you can't make it.
I'll understand.

I'll be there. I promise.

Jimin disclosed to him that his daughter may make an appearance at their lesson. Eunha was becoming antsy being stuck in his tiny office. He wasn't sure how much longer she'd last in there.

I don't mind.
Maybe she can give me some pointers.


"One of my students is coming for his private class," Jimin said to Eunha. "I'm gonna let you watch, but you have to sit here and be good, okay, honey?"

"I will, daddy."

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Jungkook entered the room just as Jimin was finishing his warm-up. Eunha had been doing the stretches with him. It helped to release some of the built-up energy she'd acquired throughout the long day in the office.

For the first time since meeting him, Jungkook wore short sleeves, his inked arms on full display. He didn't know why, but Jimin felt happy, excited almost, seeing his tattoos. Maybe it's because he found the artwork beautiful and wished he could see it every day.

"Hi, Jungkook," Jimin smiled.

"Hi, Kookie!" Eunha greeted him as she scurried back to her seat at the front of the studio.

Jungkook chuckled at the cute nickname. "Hi, Eunha. Hi, Jimin."

As they were getting started, Jimin's phone rang. He excused himself, stating, "It's Tae. I better take this." Jimin patted Eunha's shoulder. "I'll be right back, sweetheart."

Left alone with Jimin's daughter, Jungkook was slightly nervous. He didn't have much experience with kids. After all, he was the baby of the family. Jungkook liked kids though. He actually wanted a few of his own in the future.

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