Chapter 56:

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Valeria's p.o.v:

Everything happened so fast, and I couldn't help but feel like everything is my fault.... I just had to go and try to be happy, and of all people Alexandra ended up getting hurt... again... All this time it was her... I've run into her so many times and I haven't been the nicest person to her at all.... Way to go Valeria, you hurt the girl in more ways then one.... There's no way to take it all back now, all I know is that because of me everything is falling apart... Damn I've done so and now it's showing, I never meant for this to happen and now look, Raymond is a mess and no one will tell him we're Alexandra is, we all know that Raymond's parents, have her hiding; their the best at hiding whatever it is they want hidden, but there's something we aren't seeing they have a way of hiding things in plain sight, so Alexandra was a lot closer then we thought...Was I really going to try to find her myself??? Yes, the answer is yes I think I owe her that much, but also Raymond, I had work to do and I couldn't let no one know what it was I was up to, not even Christian who I knew wasn't going to like me doing this but the guilt was eating me alive even though it was his mother fault. But that's not the main problem right now, I had work to do, we know she made it back safely and that she did in fact go to the hospital, and Raymond aunt is her doctor so, now were is she, that should be to hard, all I need to do is pull up the cameras and see which way they left... "Valeria what are you up to" my husband to be voice said coming to stand in front of me. "Nothing" I said a little to fast. "Love what is it your doing, and whatever it is stop it" he said. "No" I said.  "No, Valeria did you just say no" he asked. "Yes, yes I just told you no" I said. "Valeria, answer this one question, are you upset that everyone knows that we are engaged" he asked. "Of course not Christian how could ever think that" I asked him. "Valeria please don't get me wrong but you didn't want no one knowing that we were together" he said. "Christian I'm sorry.... I didn't want no one attacking you, I'm not the nicest person in the eye of the public, so I didn't want to drag you down with me, I still can't believe you want to be with me, much less marry me" I said looking away from him. I guess that thought will never go away... maybe his mother is right... maybe I'm not the right one for him.... "Hey Valeria look at me" he said coming around my desk and pulling me in his arms. "Listen to me this is the last time I tell you this, I am a grown man and I can be with who ever I want, and guess what call me crazy, but I don't care what you have done in the past, all I care about is about our future together, Valeria I love you and I never stopped loving you not even when I lost you, on the other hand it should be you that doesn't want me anymore, I broke your heart and made you that way, but all I know is that behind that cold heart of yours is that girl who want's nothing more then to be loved and wanted, look at me and tell me I'm lying" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling into his chest. I let out a gasp in shock and felt as my cheeks turn red, oh my dear Christian two can play at this game. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to be if possible, he then carefully pulled me up so that I was sitting on my desk with him in between my legs and his hands on my lower back, quickly pull him into a kiss and slowly melted into his arms. "Nice try my love now tell me what it is your up to" he said before kissing me again. "Christian you'll do anything I ask of you...right" I whispered against his lips. "Yes" he said right away. "Christian just know that, you can't back out of this okay my love" I said kissing him again. "Should I be scared Valeria" he asked. "Oh no my love just know that, you'll have to help me no matter what" I said. "Okay now tell me what it is you want me to do and what it has to do with what you were working on before I came in" he said while he sat on my chair and pulling me on his lap. "If you must know, I want you to help me find Alexandra and reunite her with Raymond" I said. "No, Valeria no" he quickly said. "No, Christian don't you said you would, help me" I said hugging him. "Valeria" he said. "Listen to me, I have to do this please, I have to Christian I never got to tell her that I was sorry for all the things I did to her, Christian I hurt her  without knowing her, this guilt is eating my alive! Christian please help me, please on top of everything she's pregnant, I caused her enough pain as is, I need to talk to her and apologize and then, bring her to Raymond, so that I can breathe in peace" I said hugging him. "Valeria why haven't you told me that's, how you've been feeling" he said rubbing my back. "You don't think I'm acting dumb then" I asked him. "No Valeria I don't, I'll help you with whatever it is you need help with, but just know no one is blaming you for anything" he said. "Are you sure" I asked. He nodded his head in agreement, "Now tell me what it is you need me to do" he said.  "I need you to call your brother and I'll call Araceli to bring over everyone but Raymond his still in a bad state and I don't want to make it worse, just in case we don't find her" I said hugging him. "Okay but then what is in the rest of the plan" He asked. "I'll tell you that after we get everyone here" I told him. He then pulled away from me and called Mateo and I called my sister. "Araceli" I said as she picked up her phone. "Yes sister" she said. "I need your help" I said. "I knew it Christian  got you to spill" she said. "What are you talking about" I asked. "You've been off since we came back, listen I know that you feel guilty but it's really not your fault no one blames you for anything, not even the Messi's I promise you" she said. "I know I guess I just needed to talk about it, but know to the reason why I called you, I need you to come over as fast as you can and bring Leonardo and Nina along with there partners, but please don't bring Raymond" I said. "Okay that should be hard Raymond hasn't come out of his room since last night" she said. "Okay I'll see you as soon as possible" I said before hanging up. "Mateo is on his way" Christian said coming back to me. "Okay now we wait" I said.  

*****TIME SKIP*****

"Okay what is it your planning" Araceli said as she came in the door. "Why do you think something is up" Christian said coming down the stairs with me in tow. "You said it your self brother you were worried that something was wrong with Valeria" Matteo said. "Okay sorry for coming Raymond finally came out of his room and we had to sneak away" Nina said followed by her man. "How is he" I asked. "His in a pretty bad shape right now, but he also knows that its his fault and no one else's" she said looking at me. "I know but, I can't help it, I still ended up hurting her in many ways and I think and I hope everyone agrees is that they need to come together and talk by themselves, I think they need it" I said looking at everyone. "Yes your right, but how" Nina asked. "Well I have a plan, but I need all your help to pull this off" I said. "Okay but why, why are you doing this, what do you get out of this" Leonardo said. "I'm glad you asked I said. "I need to do this, I haven't been the best person to any of you, and even more to Alexandra, guys I've hurt her and I shouldn't have, I need to apologize to her and make things right, or at least try to, even if she doesn't forgive me that's okay, I'll live with it" I told them honestly. "So are guys in" Christian asked. "Yes, me and Antonio are in" Nina said. "Well I'll help you sister you know that" Araceli said. "I will help you to" Leonardo said. "So will I, I think it's time for everyone get to be happy and with the person they love" Matteo said. "Yes thank you, now for the real plan, we are going to start off by looking at the place she left, from there the time she left the hospital, that way we know how far she left from the hospital and pin point the area that she may and may not past from and see which of the hidden homes you may have in the area" I said. "Oh okay that shouldn't be hard to do, my parents do have a tendency to hide things in plan sight" Leonardo said. "I'll start working on that now" Nina said. "I'll look into the cameras we have around the hotel to see what clues Alexandra may have left" Matteo said. "Leonardo and Araceli, I want you to look into the cameras around the hospital" Christian said. "I'll work on tracking how they do the changing of nurses that way we know what time is best to go and take Alexandra and bring her to the safe house we have an hour away from here, on the next thing is getting Raymond to come with us, once we do have her" I said. "Okay that part is going to be the hardest, so whatever we do, we need to make sure everything else is done first" said Nina. "We all know Raymond, he can be pretty hard headed so let's be careful" Leonardo said. "We also can't put any type of stress on Alexandra, so whatever we do, we can't put her in harms way" Matteo said. "Okay noted, now everyone get to work, the faster we do this, the faster everything goes back to normal" I said.

Alexandra's p.o.v:

I miss him....I miss my husband.... But how do I fix this? His mom had came to visit me a few days ago and she had told me that Raymond didn't want to come out of our room.... Oh Raymond that's not what I wanted you to do.... I need you to be strong and to keep going, not fall apart.... I knew no one blamed me for not wanting to see him, but deep inside I know that they want me to talk to him and make everything go back to how they were before.... I shouldn't have over reacted, but it's also not fair to me.... I know I've said it before, but I think I have too, just so that Raymond goes back to how he was before, and I go back to being his hidden wife and I don't want that, but I also know that he want's to keep us safe, but I couldn't help but wonder if he would've had to do this if he had indeed stayed with Valeria.... I bet it would have been a lot more easier to be with her then with me... At least with her he wouldn't have to hide away, he would be able to be out in the open with her and come along with her to, all appointments and hold her hand while they walk around the park and go do simple things like going to the market and buying things for their baby, unlike me who got in trouble for sneaking out.... I wanted that.... Way to go Alexandra you just broke your own heart.... Mom, dad I really hate the choices you made for me to end up like this....Alone.... That's just how I feel right now.... I'm doing this to myself I also know that.... But I feel like my whole world got ripped out from under me.... I felt our baby moving around, I looked down at my stomach, "Do you think mommy is wrong and should forgive daddy or should mommy be strong and hold on a little longer" I said out loud and placed my hand on my stomach and waited and sure enough I felt a feather like movement in my stomach. "So little one is that a yes or no" I asked again. I waited and another kick came almost felt like a soda pop. "It looks like you miss your daddy to I know he would talk to you, when he thought I was sleeping, do you want to know a secret that's one of the reasons why I can't sleep without him" I said. I laid back down on the bed and let out a sigh, all I knew was that I needed to make up my mind up fast. "Mrs. Alexandra someone here to see you" one of my nurses said. "Who is it no was scheduled to see me" I said. "It's me" they said coming inside. I looked up and let out a gasp at who I saw at the door....



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